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Lagouge Françoise
Lieu Dit Le Gravier


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Price per night:

price from €65





Description for B&B:

Françoise and Michel warmly invite you to the Ferme du Gravier, where they are delighted to welcome you.

This charming old farmhouse, dating back to 1829 Causse, offers 5 guest rooms and a lodging called "ORTALECIA" for 4 people.

Conveniently situated just 5 minutes away from downtown GRAMAT, 10 minutes from Rocamadour, and 15 minutes from PADIRAC, this house serves as an ideal base for exploring the breathtaking wonders of the Lot and the Dordogne regions.

With its 1 Ha of land, expansive terrace, and a refreshing 12x6 swimming pool, you can unwind and relax after a day of sightseeing.

In the evenings, indulge in a delightful dinner menu featuring produce from the vegetable garden, locally-sourced farm products, and high-quality ingredients. Enjoy this culinary experience in a convivial atmosphere on the terrace overlooking the pool or in the communal dining room.


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To get to the destination, follow these travel directions:

- Access Road:
- Enter the GPS coordinates: Janoutou.
- Drive on A20 for 20 minutes and take Exit 56.
- Follow the direction of GRAMAT FIGEAC (D840).
- After exiting GRAMAT, continue past the old gas station and ELAN bodybuilder.
- Turn right into the lane after 50 meters.
- Continue straight for 800 meters and you will arrive. The parking lot is on the left as you enter.

- GARE SNCF is approximately 10 minutes away.

- The nearest airport options are:
- Brive Dordogne Valley: It is around a 40-minute drive.
- Limoge: It takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Toulouse: It takes approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes.



Swimming Pool


  • Gouffre de Padirac: Located about 15 kilometers southeast of Gramat, Gouffre de Padirac is a magnificent cave system that attracts tourists from all over the world. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and take a boat ride along the underground river.
  • Rocamadour: Situated approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Gramat, Rocamadour is a stunning medieval village perched on a cliffside. It is famous for its impressive architecture and religious pilgrimage sites, including the Chapelle Notre-Dame and the Saint-Sauveur Basilica.
  • Parc Animalier de Gramat: Located just a few minutes away from Lieu Dit Le Gravier, this wildlife park offers a unique opportunity to observe a variety of animal species up close. Visitors can see bears, wolves, lynxes, and many other animals in a natural and spacious environment.
  • Autoire: Situated approximately 10 kilometers northeast of Gramat, Autoire is a charming village known for its picturesque setting and beautiful waterfalls. Visitors can take leisurely walks through the village, admire the traditional architecture, and enjoy the scenic views.
  • Château de Montal: Located about 25 kilometers southeast of Gramat, Château de Montal is a Renaissance castle that showcases a blend of Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its ornate interior, and stroll through the surrounding gardens.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Situated approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Gramat, Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is a medieval fortress that offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. Visitors can explore the fortified walls, towers, and dungeons, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Caves of Lacave: Located about 20 kilometers east of Gramat, the Caves of Lacave are another remarkable underground attraction. Visitors can take a guided tour through the cave system, marvel at the stunning rock formations, and learn about the cave's geological history.
  • Cité Religieuse de Marcilhac-sur-Célé: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northwest of Gramat, this medieval religious site is known for its abbey and picturesque setting along the Célé River. Visitors can explore the abbey ruins, wander through the charming village, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders and historical sites to cultural and architectural gems.

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