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Marie-Françoise Gauthier
Le Sol del Pech



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Price per week:

price from €195






Description for Gite

Experience a delightful selection of three vacation homes, offering the perfect opportunity to explore our enchanting and renowned region. Situated amidst a plethora of captivating destinations waiting to be discovered and explored, our accommodations are ideally located. Rest assured, we are fluent in English and look forward to extending a warm welcome upon your arrival.


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Once you reach exit number 56 on the A20 freeway, you will need to take the indicated road on the map, heading south towards Rocamadour. Our property is located approximately 10 miles south of Rocamadour.



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  • Rocamadour: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Le Sol del Pech, Rocamadour is a stunning medieval village built on a cliffside. Known for its historical significance and religious pilgrimage sites, including the famous Notre-Dame Chapel, Rocamadour offers breathtaking views and a unique atmosphere.
  • Gouffre de Padirac: Situated around 30 kilometers from Le Sol del Pech, the Gouffre de Padirac is a fascinating natural wonder. This enormous underground cave system features an underground river that visitors can explore by boat or on foot. The awe-inspiring rock formations and the magical atmosphere make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Around 40 kilometers from Le Sol del Pech, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux is a medieval fortress that showcases the rich history of the region. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours, enabling visitors to discover the fascinating architecture, explore the impressive collection of weapons, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Located approximately 65 kilometers away, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a picturesque medieval village perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. With its cobblestone streets, charming houses, and stunning views, it has become a popular tourist destination. Visitors can explore the narrow alleys, visit local crafts shops, and admire the beautiful architecture.
  • Cahors: Situated around 30 kilometers from Le Sol del Pech, Cahors is a historic town famous for its medieval bridge, Pont Valentré. The town center boasts well-preserved medieval buildings, including the impressive Cahors Cathedral. Visitors can enjoy a stroll along the charming streets, visit the local markets, and taste the renowned Cahors wine.
  • Château de Beynac: Approximately 80 kilometers away, the Château de Beynac is a majestic castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Dordogne River. With its impressive architecture and panoramic views, it offers a glimpse into medieval life. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to explore the castle's interior and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Lascaux Caves: Situated about 110 kilometers from Le Sol del Pech, the Lascaux Caves are a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for their prehistoric cave paintings. Although the original caves are closed to the public, a replica known as Lascaux II offers an immersive experience, allowing visitors to admire the intricate artwork created by our ancient ancestors. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks and natural wonders to charming medieval villages. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or culture, there is something for everyone near Le Sol del Pech in France.