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Constance De Saint Victor
Cazouls Les Beziers


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price from €110



33 06 80 15 88 51


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To travel to Cazouls les Béziers from the A9, take the Beziers West exit. After passing the large round-about at Maraussan, make a right turn towards the St Pons exit. Continue driving through the village on D14, and after approximately 2 km, look for the signs indicating Rouvignac. For GPS navigation, enter Cazouls les Béziers and follow the directions to Rouvignac.




  • Canal du Midi: Located in Beziers, Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction. The 240-kilometer-long canal offers scenic boat rides, cycling paths, and peaceful walks along its banks.
  • Beziers Cathedral: Known as Cathédrale Saint-Nazaire, this impressive Gothic cathedral is a must-visit. It features beautiful stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and panoramic views of the city from its tower.
  • Château de Grézan: Situated in Laurens, this stunning medieval castle offers guided tours and wine tastings. Explore its well-preserved architecture and learn about the history of winemaking in the region.
  • Pézenas: A charming town located nearby, Pézenas is known for its well-preserved old town and its association with the famous playwright Molière. Stroll through the narrow streets, visit artisan shops, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: Located in Cazedarnes, this former Cistercian abbey is now a luxury hotel and spa. Explore the beautiful gardens, relax in the spa, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Béziers Arena: Known as Arènes de Béziers, this Roman amphitheater dates back to the 1st century AD. It hosts various events, including bullfights and concerts, and offers guided tours to learn about its history.
  • Saint-Chinian: A picturesque village nestled in the heart of the vineyards, Saint-Chinian is famous for its wine production. Visit local wineries, enjoy wine tastings, and explore the weekly market for regional produce.
  • Cap d'Agde: Located on the Mediterranean coast, Cap d'Agde is a popular seaside resort. It offers beautiful sandy beaches, a marina, water sports activities, and a vibrant nightlife.
  • Gorges d'Héric: Situated in Mons, this natural attraction features stunning gorges, waterfalls, and hiking trails. It is a perfect destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. 10. Domaine de la Grangette: Located in Pomerols, this family-owned winery offers guided tours and tastings of their organic wines. Explore the vineyards, learn about sustainable winemaking, and sample their delicious wines. These tourist attractions near Rouvignac and Cazouls Les Beziers offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks to natural beauty and wine-related activities.

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