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Cidex38 Chemin De La Chasse Hameau Le Bouffay


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This coastal residence embodies a timeless charm, showcasing a traditional architectural style. Nestled near the exhilarating free flight site, it offers unparalleled vistas that are truly extraordinary.


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To get from CAEN to Bayeux, Port en Bessin, and Commes, follow these travel directions.




  • Omaha Beach (4.5 km): Omaha Beach is a historic World War II landing site where Allied troops landed on D-Day. It offers a serene atmosphere, beautiful views, and a chance to pay tribute to the soldiers who fought here.
  • Overlord Museum (5.5 km): Located near Omaha Beach, the Overlord Museum is dedicated to the events of the D-Day invasion. It houses an impressive collection of vehicles, weapons, and artifacts from the war, providing visitors with a comprehensive understanding of the historic event.
  • Pointe du Hoc (8 km): Pointe du Hoc is a dramatic cliff-top location that played a significant role in the D-Day landings. Visitors can explore the preserved German bunkers, bomb craters, and trenches, gaining insight into the challenges faced by the Allied forces.
  • Bayeux Tapestry (26 km): The Bayeux Tapestry is a remarkable 11th-century embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. This historical masterpiece is housed in the Bayeux Museum and offers a captivating glimpse into medieval history.
  • Mont Saint-Michel (134 km): One of France's most iconic landmarks, Mont Saint-Michel is a medieval abbey perched atop a rocky island. With its stunning architecture and picturesque surroundings, the abbey attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Pegasus Bridge (38 km): Pegasus Bridge gained fame during the D-Day landings as it was the first site to be liberated by British forces. Today, the original bridge has been replaced, but a museum nearby tells the story of this pivotal moment in history.
  • Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial (34 km): Situated in Colleville-sur-Mer, the cemetery and memorial honor the American soldiers who lost their lives during the D-Day landings. The site offers a serene and reflective atmosphere, with rows of white crosses and Stars of David marking the graves.
  • Juno Beach Centre (26 km): The Juno Beach Centre is a Canadian museum and memorial dedicated to the role played by Canadian forces on D-Day. It provides a comprehensive understanding of Canada's involvement in the war and pays tribute to the soldiers who fought and sacrificed their lives.
  • Arromanches-les-Bains (22 km): Arromanches-les-Bains is famous for its artificial Mulberry harbor, known as "Port Winston," which was crucial for the success of the D-Day landings. Visitors can explore the remnants of the harbor and learn about its engineering marvels at the Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema. 10. Château de Fontaine-Henry (12 km): This beautiful fortified castle dates back to the 13th century and is surrounded by a picturesque park. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, including its furnished rooms and art collection, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding gardens.

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