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Jacques Legendre
6 Place du 6 Juin



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Price per night:

price from €130





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Description for B&B:

Located in Arromanches, this charming establishment is positioned merely a stone's throw away from the beach, offering a captivating view of the historical remnants of the artificial harbors used during the momentous 1944 landing in Normandy. Each room is equipped with a convenient shower and necessary amenities, boasting an unparalleled direct line of sight to the majestic sea. As you drift off to sleep, the soothing sound of the waves will serenade you into a peaceful slumber.


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'Located directly across from the museum, at a distance of 10 meters from the shoreline.'



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Notes: * Courtesy tray, Local TAXE INCLUDED
Notes: ** See on the website


Animals Allowed


  • Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema: Located in the heart of Arromanches, this cinema offers a unique audiovisual experience showcasing the historical events of the D-Day landings in Normandy.
  • Mulberry Harbour: A short walk from the city center, Mulberry Harbour is a fascinating historical site. It consists of remnants of the artificial harbor created during World War II and played a vital role in the success of the D-Day landings.
  • Musée du Débarquement (D-Day Museum): Situated right on the beach, this museum provides a comprehensive insight into the D-Day landings and the Battle of Normandy. It houses an impressive collection of artifacts, including military equipment and personal testimonies.
  • Gold Beach: One of the landing beaches of the D-Day invasion, Gold Beach offers a picturesque stretch of coastline with golden sand and clear waters. Visitors can explore the beach, visit nearby memorials, or take a guided tour to learn about its historical significance.
  • Longues-sur-Mer Battery: A short drive from Arromanches, this German artillery battery from World War II remains remarkably well-preserved. Visitors can explore the four casemates and gain insight into the defensive strategies employed during the war.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Located in the nearby town of Bayeux, this museum exhibits the famous Bayeux Tapestry, a remarkable medieval embroidery depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. It provides a captivating glimpse into history and artistic craftsmanship.
  • American Cemetery and Memorial: Situated in Colleville-sur-Mer, a short distance from Arromanches, this site is a poignant tribute to the American soldiers who lost their lives during the D-Day landings. The beautifully maintained cemetery offers a serene atmosphere for reflection and remembrance.
  • Omaha Beach: Another important landing site of the D-Day invasion, Omaha Beach is known for its historical significance and natural beauty. Visitors can explore the beach, visit the nearby Normandy American Cemetery, or take guided tours to gain a deeper understanding of the events that unfolded here.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Located in Courseulles-sur-Mer, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum dedicated to the Canadian contribution to the D-Day landings. It offers interactive exhibits, personal stories, and an outdoor park showcasing military equipment. 10. Pointe du Hoc: This dramatic cliff-top site played a crucial role in the D-Day landings. It was the target of a daring assault by American Rangers, and the remnants of the German fortifications and bomb craters can still be seen. The site offers breathtaking views of the Normandy coastline.