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10 Rue Villon



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price from €490



Description for B&B:

This place offers you the chance to stay in a highly sought-after location, conveniently close to the Part-Dieu business center and only 4 subway stops away from downtown (Bellecour).

This cozy and well-lit accommodation features a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a separate toilet.

It can comfortably accommodate up to 4 people thanks to the sofa bed.

Additionally, this place is wheelchair accessible, ensuring a comfortable stay for all guests.


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  • Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located just a few minutes from the given address, Parc de la Tête d'Or is a magnificent urban park covering 117 hectares. It features a large lake, a rose garden, a zoo, botanical gardens, and various sports facilities. Perfect for leisurely walks, picnics, and enjoying nature.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière: Situated on Fourvière Hill, this stunning basilica offers breathtaking views of Lyon. It is known for its ornate architecture and intricate mosaics. Visitors can explore the basilica's interior, visit the crypt, and even climb to the top of the tower for panoramic views.
  • Vieux Lyon (Old Lyon): A UNESCO World Heritage site, Vieux Lyon is a charming neighborhood with narrow cobblestone streets, Renaissance buildings, and hidden traboules (passageways). It is home to numerous shops, restaurants, and cafes, making it a great place to wander and soak in the historic atmosphere.
  • Musée des Confluences: Located at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers, this striking museum showcases natural history, anthropology, and science exhibits. Its modern architecture is a sight to behold, and the museum offers a fascinating journey through human history and the natural world.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon: Housed in a former 17th-century abbey, the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon is renowned for its extensive collection of European art. It features works by famous artists such as Monet, Picasso, Rembrandt, and Van Gogh.
  • Place Bellecour: One of the largest squares in Europe, Place Bellecour is a bustling hub in Lyon. It is adorned with a statue of Louis XIV and offers ample space for strolling, people-watching, and enjoying outdoor events. The square is surrounded by shops, cafes, and restaurants.
  • Les Halles de Lyon - Paul Bocuse: A paradise for food lovers, Les Halles de Lyon is a covered market where you can find a wide variety of fresh produce, local specialties, and gourmet products. Named after the famous French chef Paul Bocuse, this vibrant market is a must-visit for culinary enthusiasts.
  • Musée Miniature et Cinéma: This unique museum showcases an impressive collection of miniatures and movie props. Visitors can marvel at intricately detailed miniatures and explore the magical world of cinema. It's a fascinating place for both adults and children.
  • Mur des Canuts: The Mur des Canuts, or the Canuts' Wall, is an enormous fresco depicting the history of Lyon's silk industry. Stretching over 1,200 square meters, it is one of the largest murals in Europe. The mural offers a glimpse into Lyon's rich textile heritage and the life of silk workers. 10. Croix-Rousse: This vibrant neighborhood is known for its bohemian atmosphere and artistic history. It offers panoramic views of Lyon, charming streets filled with boutiques and art galleries, and a lively market on the boulevard. Don't miss the famous painted staircase known as "Les Pentes de la Croix-Rousse." Note: The distances from the given address may vary, so it's advisable to check the exact locations and plan accordingly.

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