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Pascal Bailly
5 Rue De La Mairie


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Each room is equipped with a large double bed, 2 bedside tables, 1 wardrobe, 1 closet, adjustable general lighting from the bed, 1 spacious bathroom (bathtub, sink, private toilet). Parquet flooring. Bed sheet, duvet, 2 pillows, bath towel, sponge towel, bath mat. Soap and shower gel. Available upon request: shaving kit, dental kit, hairdryer, iron and ironing board.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 70 70 12 8
(3 pers.)
1 79 79 12 8


Credit cards accepted


  • Montagny Castle: Located in the heart of Montagny, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the rich history of the region. Explore the well-preserved architecture and take in the scenic views from the castle's towers.
  • Beaujolais Wine Route: Just a short drive from Montagny, the Beaujolais Wine Route is a must-visit for wine enthusiasts. Discover picturesque vineyards, visit family-owned wineries, and enjoy wine tasting sessions while immersing yourself in the stunning landscape of the Beaujolais region.
  • Pérouges: Situated about 35 kilometers from Montagny, Pérouges is a charming medieval village that transports visitors back in time. Wander through its cobbled streets, admire the well-preserved timber-framed houses, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.
  • Lyon: As the second-largest city in France, Lyon offers a mix of historical landmarks and vibrant modernity. Visit the UNESCO-listed Old Town, explore the Roman ruins, enjoy world-class cuisine, and take in the breathtaking views from Fourvière Hill.
  • Vienne: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Montagny, Vienne is a town with a rich Roman heritage. Marvel at well-preserved Roman ruins, such as the Temple of Augustus and Livia, and explore the charming medieval streets lined with cafes, shops, and ancient monuments.
  • Oingt: Nestled in the Beaujolais countryside, Oingt is a medieval village renowned for its well-preserved architecture and enchanting atmosphere. Stroll through narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and take in panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards.
  • Parc des Oiseaux: Situated in Villars-les-Dombes, approximately 40 kilometers from Montagny, Parc des Oiseaux is a fantastic attraction for nature lovers. Explore the vast aviary park, home to over 3,000 birds from around the world, and enjoy educational shows and interactive exhibits.
  • Abbaye de Cluny: Located about 80 kilometers from Montagny, Abbaye de Cluny is a significant historical site. Once the largest Christian building in the world, now in ruins, it showcases the grandeur of the medieval Cluniac order.
  • Lac des Sapins: A serene natural retreat, Lac des Sapins is a beautiful lake located near Cublize. Enjoy various outdoor activities, such as swimming, fishing, hiking, and picnicking, amidst the tranquil surroundings of this picturesque lake. 10. Château de Fléchères: Situated in Fareins, the Château de Fléchères is a stunning 17th-century castle surrounded by elegant gardens. Discover the opulent interiors, explore the extensive grounds, and learn about the historical significance of this architectural gem. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the exact location in Montagny.

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