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Chemin Des Champs De Bras


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Description for B&B:

Located within the enchanting woodlands of Vienna, specifically in the Wood of Massier, this delightful establishment has recently undergone a complete renovation after years of meticulous work. Offering guests a choice of five uniquely themed rooms, it serves as the perfect starting point for exploring the wonders of Vienna. With its close proximity to archaeological sites, the city center, vineyards, major highways, and the train station, it ensures convenient access to all that this magnificent city has to offer.


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To reach the northern part of Comes, simply take the exit labeled "Comes Release." Once you do, keep an eye out for signs that say "In the Wood of Massier."




  • Vienne Roman Theater and Museum: Located in the heart of Vienne, this ancient Roman theater offers a glimpse into the city's rich history. Visitors can explore the ruins, attend cultural events, and learn about the theater's significance through the museum's exhibits.
  • Temple d'Auguste et de Livie: This well-preserved Roman temple is dedicated to Emperor Augustus and his wife Livie. It showcases intricate architectural details and offers visitors a chance to step back in time to the Roman era.
  • St. Maurice Cathedral: A beautiful example of Romanesque and Gothic architecture, St. Maurice Cathedral dominates the Vienne skyline. Inside, visitors can admire stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures.
  • Cloître de Saint-André-le-Bas: This medieval cloister is a hidden gem in Vienne. Its peaceful atmosphere and well-preserved architecture make it a perfect place for a leisurely stroll and a moment of tranquility.
  • Jardin de Cybèle: Situated next to the Roman Theater, this public garden offers a peaceful retreat. Visitors can relax on benches, admire the sculptures, and enjoy the panoramic views of the city.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Vienne: Housing an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and archaeological artifacts, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of Vienne's artistic and historical heritage.
  • Gallo-Roman Museum of Saint-Romain-en-Gal: A short distance from Vienne, this museum showcases the impressive remains of a Gallo-Roman city. Visitors can explore the excavated ruins, learn about Roman daily life, and view various artifacts.
  • Vienne Jazz Festival: If you're visiting during the summer, make sure to catch the Vienne Jazz Festival. This world-renowned event attracts top jazz musicians from around the globe and offers a vibrant atmosphere in the city.
  • Château de Malleval: Located in the nearby village of Malleval, this medieval castle is worth a visit. Explore its well-preserved rooms, enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and immerse yourself in the region's history. 10. Pilat Regional Natural Park: For outdoor enthusiasts, a trip to the Pilat Regional Natural Park is highly recommended. Just a short drive from Vienne, this park offers beautiful hiking trails, stunning viewpoints, and opportunities for wildlife spotting. These attractions provide a diverse range of experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of the Vienne region.

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