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Marja Et Luc Simkens
1 Avenue De Bedarieux


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price from €99





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To reach your destination, take the Beziers Ouest exit from the A9 highway. Follow the D64 and then the D612 towards Castres, Mazamet, and St. Pons. Approximately 1 kilometer before reaching St. Pons, turn right onto the D908 road that leads to Riols. The house you are looking for will be on your left as you leave Riols.



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Notes: petit dej. incl.
Holiday Home 2 10


Swimming Pool


  • Gorges d'Héric: Located in the regional park of Haut-Languedoc, Gorges d'Héric is a stunning natural attraction offering hiking trails, waterfalls, and swimming spots in a picturesque mountainous setting.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a remarkable 17th-century engineering feat. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, cycling along its banks, or simply strolling and admiring the peaceful scenery.
  • Beziers Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Beziers, this Gothic-style cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. Admire its grand exterior and intricate interior detailing, including stunning stained glass windows.
  • Roquebrun: Known as the "Nice of the Hérault," Roquebrun is a charming village nestled on the banks of the Orb River. Explore its medieval streets, visit the Mediterranean garden, or relax on the river beach.
  • Minerve: Just a short drive away, Minerve is a captivating medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop. Discover its narrow streets, ancient fortifications, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Narbonne: A historic city with Roman origins, Narbonne offers a wealth of attractions, including the impressive Saint-Just-et-Saint-Pasteur Cathedral, the ancient Via Domitia, the vibrant Les Halles market, and the Roman Horreum underground galleries.
  • Carcassonne: Approximately an hour's drive from Riols, Carcassonne is renowned for its UNESCO-listed medieval fortress. Explore the labyrinthine streets, visit the basilica, and imagine yourself transported back in time.
  • Lac de la Raviège: For nature lovers, Lac de la Raviège is a beautiful reservoir surrounded by forests and hills. Enjoy swimming, boating, fishing, or simply relax on the sandy beach and soak up the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Pézenas: A charming town known for its well-preserved old town and Molière connections, Pézenas offers a delightful mix of art galleries, boutique shops, and traditional architecture. 10. Les Neuf Écluses de Fonserannes: Located near Beziers, this impressive staircase of locks on the Canal du Midi is a fascinating sight. Watch as boats navigate through the series of locks, or take a guided tour to learn more about the canal's history. Please note that the distances and travel times to these attractions may vary. It is advisable to check for the most up-to-date information and plan accordingly.

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