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  • Pointe du Raz: Located just 8 km away from Bréhonnet, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic headland offering breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. It is known for its rugged cliffs, crashing waves, and stunning coastal scenery.
  • Baie des Trépassés: Situated approximately 10 km from Bréhonnet, Baie des Trépassés is a beautiful sandy beach popular among surfers and beachcombers. It boasts stunning views of the coastline and is perfect for a relaxing day by the sea.
  • Chapelle Notre-Dame de Tronoën: This historic chapel is around 12 km away from Bréhonnet. Known for its ancient stone carvings and wooden statues, the chapel dates back to the 14th century and is a significant religious and cultural site in the region.
  • Audierne: Located approximately 15 km from Bréhonnet, Audierne is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor, colorful houses, and bustling fish market. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, enjoy fresh seafood, and take boat trips to nearby islands.
  • Île de Sein: Situated off the coast, Île de Sein is a small island accessible by boat from Audierne. This tranquil island offers visitors a chance to experience traditional Breton culture, enjoy scenic walks, and relax on its pristine beaches.
  • Phare d'Eckmühl: Standing tall at a height of 65 meters, Phare d'Eckmühl is a lighthouse located in Penmarc'h, around 22 km from Bréhonnet. Visitors can climb to the top for panoramic views of the coastline and learn about the history and importance of this maritime beacon.
  • Quimper: Located approximately 35 km from Bréhonnet, Quimper is a historic city famous for its well-preserved medieval center, charming half-timbered houses, and the impressive Gothic-style Quimper Cathedral. It also offers a wide range of shops, restaurants, and museums.
  • Locronan: Situated around 40 km away from Bréhonnet, Locronan is a picturesque village known for its beautifully preserved medieval architecture. It has been a popular filming location for movies due to its timeless charm and historic atmosphere.
  • Concarneau: Located approximately 45 km from Bréhonnet, Concarneau is a fortified town famous for its walled old town, filled with narrow streets, shops, and seafood restaurants. The town also boasts a stunning harbor and hosts a renowned fishing festival each summer. 10. Pont-Aven: Situated around 50 km away from Bréhonnet, Pont-Aven is a charming riverside town known for its association with artists such as Paul Gauguin. Visitors can explore art galleries, enjoy scenic walks along the river, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.

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