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Ina Fichtel
Mas Du Grand Jonquier


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Price per night:

price from €114



Description for B&B:

The bedrooms

Each of the six bedrooms is designed with unique style and attention to detail, providing comfort and cheerfulness. Furnished in authentic Provencal fashion, each bedroom has its own bathroom.

The lounge and dining room still maintain their original charm, with exposed stone walls, traditional Provencal ceilings, and inviting open fireplaces. During the winter season, breakfast and dinner are served in these cozy spaces.

Breakfast and Dinner

Under the shade of a magnificent chestnut tree, guests can enjoy their breakfast and dinner outdoors while listening to the melodic songs of the "Provence cigales". In the colder months, meals are served in front of the fireplace indoors.

Our breakfast menu offers a generous selection, including items such as yogurt, preserves, honey, fruits, cheese, sweet pastries, and options like cornflakes or muesli.

Ina and Thomas Fichtel, a skilled professional cook, use fresh ingredients from the local market to create delectable meals that combine their own unique flair with traditional Provencal cuisine. Guests have the opportunity to learn Thomas' cooking secrets during his evening demonstrations starting at 5 pm, if desired.


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