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Corinne Faramia
5 Allée Des Perdrix
Ensuès La Redonne


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Description for B&B:

Cozy beachside cottage located just a short 800m stroll from the beach, perfect for accommodating up to 4 guests. Additionally, guests will have the opportunity to enjoy a refreshing swim in the private swimming pool on the premises.


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"Head towards 5 allée des perdrix, Ensuès la Redonne, 13820 on MAPY."




  • Calanques National Park: Located along the Mediterranean coast, Calanques National Park offers stunning landscapes of limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear turquoise waters. It is perfect for hiking, swimming, and exploring the unique flora and fauna.
  • Marseille: Just a short drive away, Marseille is a vibrant port city known for its rich history, diverse culture, and lively atmosphere. Visit the Old Port, Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, and explore the charming streets of Le Panier neighborhood.
  • Château d'If: Situated on the island of If, this historic fortress is famous for being featured in Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo." Explore the prison cells, enjoy panoramic views of Marseille, and learn about its intriguing past.
  • Aix-en-Provence: A picturesque town renowned for its art, culture, and architecture. Stroll through the charming streets, visit the Cours Mirabeau, explore museums like Musée Granet, and admire the beautiful fountains and squares.
  • Cassis: A charming fishing village nestled between the Calanques and Cap Canaille, Cassis offers a picturesque harbor, quaint streets, and a lovely beach. Take a boat tour to discover the Calanques or simply relax in one of the seaside cafes.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: A medieval hilltop village known for its stunning views and historic sites. Explore the ruins of Château des Baux, visit the Carrières de Lumières for immersive art exhibitions, and wander through the narrow streets filled with shops and galleries.
  • Avignon: Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Avignon is home to the famous Palais des Papes (Popes' Palace) and the Pont d'Avignon (Bridge of Avignon). Enjoy the lively atmosphere, visit the museums, and explore the charming streets.
  • Arles: A city with a rich Roman heritage, Arles is famous for its well-preserved Roman monuments, including the impressive Amphitheatre and the Roman Theatre. It is also renowned for its connections to Vincent van Gogh, who painted some of his famous works here.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: A unique natural reserve located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Rhône River delta. Known for its marshlands, pink flamingos, wild horses, and rice fields, the Camargue offers opportunities for birdwatching, horseback riding, and exploring the untamed wilderness. 10. Marseille-Provence Airport: If you are interested in aviation or have some spare time, the Marseille-Provence Airport offers various facilities and services, including shopping, dining, and observation decks where you can watch planes taking off and landing.

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