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DORBAIS Danielle
811, Chemin de Cassade



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Price per night:

price from €130





Description for Gite

At the base of Ventabren, an enchanting hilltop village in France, Danielle and Yves eagerly await your arrival at Roches Rouges. This serene retreat offers two hectares of land for you to unwind and rejuvenate. Roches Rouges is an absolute gem in the radiant Provençal sun, offering an unforgettable experience with its idyllic location, peaceful ambiance, and delightful lifestyle. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of this charming haven, surrounded by lush greenery and stunning flowerbeds. Your stay at Roches Rouges promises to be a privileged and blissful escape.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 130 135 805 805 30 compris


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Ventabren: Located in the heart of Ventabren, Château de Ventabren is a historic castle that offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The castle dates back to the 12th century and features well-preserved architecture and beautiful gardens.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Just a short drive away, Aix-en-Provence is a charming city known for its elegant streets, vibrant markets, and historical landmarks. Visitors can explore the Cours Mirabeau, visit the famous Atelier Cézanne, or indulge in the local cuisine at one of the many cafes and restaurants.
  • Montagne Sainte-Victoire: This iconic mountain is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers. Located near Aix-en-Provence, Montagne Sainte-Victoire offers various trails that lead to breathtaking viewpoints and panoramic landscapes. It is also famous for its association with the renowned painter Paul Cézanne.
  • Marseille: As the second-largest city in France, Marseille is a bustling metropolis with a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the Vieux Port, visit the historic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, or stroll through the vibrant Le Panier neighborhood.
  • Calanques National Park: Located along the Mediterranean coast, Calanques National Park is a stunning natural reserve characterized by rugged cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and hidden coves. The park offers opportunities for hiking, swimming, and boat tours to discover the picturesque landscapes.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Nestled in the Alpilles mountains, Les Baux-de-Provence is a picturesque medieval village that attracts visitors with its charming narrow streets, ancient ruins, and panoramic views. Don't miss the Carrières de Lumières, an immersive art exhibition held in an abandoned quarry.
  • Avignon: Known for its rich history and well-preserved architecture, Avignon is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city is famous for the Palais des Papes (Papal Palace), the Pont d'Avignon (Avignon Bridge), and its annual theater festival held in July.
  • Cassis: Situated on the Mediterranean coast, Cassis is a charming fishing village renowned for its picturesque harbor and pristine beaches. Visitors can enjoy boat tours to explore the nearby Calanques or simply relax in one of the waterfront cafes and restaurants.
  • Arles: Located on the banks of the Rhône River, Arles is a city steeped in history and art. It is best known for its Roman ruins, including the ancient amphitheater and the Roman Theater. The city was also a source of inspiration for Vincent van Gogh during his time there. 10. Saint-Rémy-de-Provence: This quaint Provençal town is famous for its picturesque streets, charming squares, and its association with van Gogh, who painted some of his most famous works here. Visitors can explore the Roman ruins, visit the Saint-Paul de Mausole monastery, or wander through the local markets.