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Jean-marie Medel
8 Rue De La Fontaine


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Price per night:

price from €400



Description for B&B:

Comfortable house with a private garden and courts. Equipped with modern amenities including dishwashers, washing machine, TV, and DVD player. Consisting of two spacious rooms.


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The distance from Carcassonne Airport is 28 kilometers.



Disabled Access
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  • Carcassonne: Located approximately 30 kilometers away from Montlaur, Carcassonne is a fortified city famous for its medieval citadel, La Cité. This UNESCO World Heritage Site attracts visitors with its well-preserved walls, narrow streets, and historic buildings.
  • Canal du Midi: Stretching through the region, the Canal du Midi is a remarkable feat of engineering and an excellent place for leisurely walks or boat trips. Enjoy the serene atmosphere, admire the lush landscapes, and marvel at the impressive canal locks.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide: Situated around 45 kilometers from Montlaur, the Abbaye de Fontfroide is a stunning Cistercian monastery. Visitors can explore the abbey's beautiful architecture, tranquil gardens, and vineyards. The site also hosts cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Narbonne: Located about 40 kilometers away, Narbonne is a historic city with a rich Roman heritage. Explore the Roman Horreum, stroll through the picturesque old town, visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, and enjoy the vibrant market at Les Halles.
  • Lagrasse: Situated roughly 30 kilometers from Montlaur, Lagrasse is a charming medieval village known for its picturesque streets and the ancient Abbey of St. Mary of Lagrasse. Visitors can wander through the village, explore the abbey, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding countryside.
  • Limoux: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, Limoux is a town famed for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux. Visitors can tour the vineyards, visit the wine cellars, and learn about the wine-making process. The town also hosts a lively carnival known as "Carnaval de Limoux."
  • Gruissan: Situated around 60 kilometers from Montlaur, Gruissan is a coastal town with a picturesque old village and beautiful sandy beaches. Visitors can explore the medieval village, visit the 13th-century Gruissan Castle, and relax by the sea.
  • Minerve: Located approximately 45 kilometers away, Minerve is a historic village perched on a rocky outcrop. This fortified village offers stunning views, ancient streets, and remnants of its Cathar past. It is also surrounded by natural beauty, making it a popular spot for hiking and outdoor activities.

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