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Morvan Marie
La Petite Ville Néen


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  • Saint-Malo: Located about 15 kilometers north of La Petite Ville Néen, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city known for its stunning beaches, cobblestone streets, and medieval architecture. Visitors can explore the city walls, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy the picturesque views of the English Channel.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Situated approximately 60 kilometers west of La Petite Ville Néen, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic abbey perched on a rocky islet. This UNESCO World Heritage site attracts millions of tourists each year due to its unique medieval architecture and breathtaking views. Visitors can explore the abbey, stroll through the narrow streets, and witness the dramatic tidal variations.
  • Dinan: Located around 50 kilometers southwest of La Petite Ville Néen, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts, half-timbered houses, and narrow cobblestone streets. Visitors can wander through the town's historic center, visit the 13th-century Dinan Castle, and enjoy panoramic views from the Jardin Anglais.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northwest of La Petite Ville Néen, Cap Fréhel is a stunning headland known for its dramatic cliffs, rugged coastline, and panoramic views. Visitors can take a walk along the coastal path, explore the lighthouse, and enjoy the picturesque landscapes of the Emerald Coast.
  • Fort La Latte: Located near Cap Fréhel, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky promontory overlooking the sea. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours and provides visitors with a glimpse into the region's history. It is also a popular filming location for movies and TV shows.
  • Rennes: Positioned about 80 kilometers southeast of La Petite Ville Néen, Rennes is the capital city of Brittany. It blends a rich heritage with a vibrant modern culture. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Rennes Cathedral, and discover the beautiful Thabor Gardens.
  • Cancale: Situated approximately 35 kilometers northeast of La Petite Ville Néen, Cancale is a charming fishing village known for its oysters and seafood. Visitors can stroll along the picturesque harbor, savor fresh seafood in local restaurants, and enjoy scenic views of the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel.
  • Saint-Brieuc: Located around 60 kilometers south of La Petite Ville Néen, Saint-Brieuc is a vibrant city with a mix of historic and modern attractions. Visitors can explore the city's historic center, visit the Saint-Brieuc Cathedral, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of its markets and restaurants. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from exploring medieval towns and castles to enjoying coastal scenery and vibrant city life.

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