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10 La Rompardais



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price from €58





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Description for B&B:

The Rompardais offers a year-round retreat amidst the harmonious chorus of birds. Guests are invited to indulge in the lush garden, unwind on their own private terrace, and revel in rooms adorned with delightful and invigorating themes. Start your day with a wholesome breakfast, overlooking the picturesque garden. Our menu boasts a range of delectable treats, crafted with locally-sourced ingredients, ensuring top-notch quality and homemade goodness that will delight every guest!


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 58.50 66.50 409.50 435.50 21.50




  • Château de Quintin: Located about 9.5 km away, the Château de Quintin is a magnificent medieval fortress surrounded by a moat. Explore its towers, chapel, and gardens, and admire the impressive collection of antique furniture and artwork inside.
  • Binic: A charming coastal town situated approximately 15 km from La Rompardais. Binic offers beautiful sandy beaches, a picturesque harbor, and a lively promenade lined with restaurants, cafes, and shops. It's a great place for a relaxing day by the sea.
  • Saint-Brieuc: The capital city of the Côtes-d'Armor department, Saint-Brieuc is just over 15 km away. Discover its historic center with its half-timbered houses, visit the Saint-Étienne Cathedral, and stroll along the pedestrian streets filled with boutiques and cafes.
  • Abbaye de Beauport: Located around 20 km from Pléven, the Abbaye de Beauport is a former Cistercian abbey surrounded by stunning natural scenery. Explore the well-preserved abbey ruins, visit the beautiful gardens, and take in the peaceful atmosphere of this historical site.
  • Cap Fréhel: Situated approximately 40 km from La Rompardais, Cap Fréhel is a breathtaking headland known for its stunning cliffs and panoramic views of the English Channel. Enjoy a scenic hike along the coastal path, visit the lighthouse, and admire the rugged beauty of this natural attraction.
  • Île de Bréhat: Located around 60 km away, Île de Bréhat is a charming island known for its flower-filled landscapes and picturesque villages. Take a boat ride to the island, rent a bicycle or walk around to explore the winding paths, and visit the beautiful Saint-Michel Chapel.
  • Dinan: Situated approximately 65 km from Pléven, Dinan is a medieval town with well-preserved ramparts, cobblestone streets, and half-timbered houses. Discover the historic center, visit the 13th-century castle, and enjoy the scenic views from the Jerzual Street overlooking the Rance River.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Although a bit farther away at around 120 km, Mont Saint-Michel is worth a visit. This iconic UNESCO World Heritage site is a medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. Explore the narrow streets, climb to the abbey's top for panoramic views, and witness the dramatic tidal changes. These tourist attractions offer a range of experiences, from historical landmarks to scenic coastal spots, providing something for everyone near La Rompardais, Pléven, France.