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Bossuyt Fabrice
15 Route De Chez Touzeau


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Price per night:

price from €78



Description for B&B:

There are four rooms in the colors of the elements 4. The water-themed room features a private ground-level toilet and a personal terrace.


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  • Château de Crazannes: Located in Crazannes, approximately 14 km from Retaud, the Château de Crazannes is a medieval fortress surrounded by a picturesque moat. Visitors can explore the castle's history, admire its architecture, and enjoy its beautiful gardens.
  • Saintes Amphitheatre: Situated in the city of Saintes, about 17 km from Retaud, the Saintes Amphitheatre is an ancient Roman arena dating back to the 1st century AD. This well-preserved site offers insights into the Roman history of the region and hosts occasional cultural events.
  • Abbaye aux Dames: Found in the heart of Saintes, around 18 km from Retaud, the Abbaye aux Dames is a former Benedictine abbey founded in the 11th century. The abbey features stunning Romanesque architecture, including a remarkable church and beautiful cloisters.
  • Paléosite: Located in Saint-Césaire, approximately 19 km from Retaud, Paléosite is an interactive museum dedicated to prehistoric times. Visitors can experience hands-on exhibits, witness archaeological excavations, and learn about the daily life of our ancestors.
  • Arch of Germanicus: Situated in Saintes, around 18 km from Retaud, the Arch of Germanicus is a triumphal arch dating back to the 1st century AD. This well-preserved Roman monument is an iconic symbol of the city and offers a glimpse into its ancient past.
  • Château de La Roche-Courbon: Found in the village of Saint-Porchaire, approximately 23 km from Retaud, the Château de La Roche-Courbon is a Renaissance castle surrounded by stunning gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's furnished rooms, stroll through the grounds, and attend various events held on-site.
  • Les Antilles de Jonzac: Located in Jonzac, about 25 km from Retaud, Les Antilles de Jonzac is a tropical water park and wellness center. This family-friendly attraction offers a range of pools, slides, and spa facilities, providing a fun and relaxing experience for visitors of all ages.
  • La Rochelle: Situated approximately 42 km from Retaud, La Rochelle is a vibrant coastal city renowned for its picturesque Vieux Port (Old Port), historic architecture, and maritime heritage. Visitors can explore the city's charming streets, visit the iconic towers, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Île de Ré: Accessible via a bridge from La Rochelle, Île de Ré is a stunning island known for its beautiful beaches, charming villages, and bicycle-friendly infrastructure. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, cycle along the island's network of paths, and savor delicious seafood cuisine. 10. Cognac: Located approximately 56 km from Retaud, the town of Cognac is famous for its production of the renowned distilled spirit. Visitors can tour distilleries and learn about the fascinating process of making Cognac, explore the historic town center, and sample the local beverages.

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