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La Goubinerie
Athee Sur Cher



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price from €74



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  • Château de Chenonceau: Located in Chenonceaux, this famous castle is a must-visit attraction near La Goubinerie. Built over the Cher River, the castle showcases stunning architecture and beautiful gardens. It is often called the "Ladies' Castle" due to the significant female influence in its history.
  • Château de Chambord: Situated in Chambord, this grand Renaissance castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Known for its distinctive French architectural style, it boasts a double helix staircase and extensive grounds. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interior and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
  • Château de Cheverny: Located in Cheverny, this well-preserved castle is renowned for its elegant architecture and remarkable collection of furniture and artwork. It is also famous for being the inspiration behind Marlinspike Hall in the Tintin comics. The castle offers guided tours and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • ZooParc de Beauval: Situated in Saint-Aignan, this highly regarded zoo is home to a wide range of animal species from around the world. Visitors can observe giant pandas, white tigers, and many other fascinating creatures. The zoo also features daily animal shows and offers unique behind-the-scenes experiences.
  • Clos Lucé: Located in Amboise, Clos Lucé is the final residence of the genius Leonardo da Vinci. Visitors can explore the artist's former home, which now serves as a museum dedicated to his life and work. The museum showcases his inventions, paintings, and provides insights into his creative process.
  • Château de Villandry: Situated in Villandry, this enchanting castle is famous for its exquisite Renaissance gardens. The gardens are meticulously designed in different styles, including ornamental, water, and vegetable gardens. Visitors can stroll through the beautifully landscaped grounds and admire the stunning floral displays.
  • Château d'Amboise: Located in Amboise, this historic castle overlooks the Loire River and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. It was a favorite residence of French kings and is the final resting place of Leonardo da Vinci. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history, admire its architecture, and enjoy the scenic setting.
  • Pagode de Chanteloup: Situated near Amboise, this remarkable Chinese-style pagoda was constructed in the 18th century. It stands at 44 meters tall and offers a stunning view of the Loire Valley. Visitors can climb to the top and enjoy the panoramic vista or explore the surrounding park. These attractions near La Goubinerie offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, ensuring an enriching visit to the region.

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