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Martine Candel


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To reach us, travel 50 km from LODEVE on A51 or from BEZIERS on A9. Once you arrive in St GERVAIS SUR MARE, take the route via HEREPIAN. Afterward, continue for an additional 1 km on a small road to reach COURS. We are located right at the entrance of the small village.




  • Gorges d'Héric: Located in the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, the Gorges d'Héric is a stunning natural attraction. This picturesque hiking destination offers cascading waterfalls, crystal-clear pools, and breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.
  • La Voie Verte: A popular cycling and walking path, La Voie Verte follows the old railway line between Mazamet and Bédarieux. This scenic route takes you through charming villages, vineyards, and beautiful countryside, providing a great opportunity for outdoor activities.
  • Olargues: Known as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in France," Olargues is a medieval town nestled in the Orb Valley. Its narrow streets, medieval architecture, and the ancient bridge over the Jaur River make it a charming place to explore and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere.
  • Lamalou-les-Bains: This spa town is famous for its healing thermal waters. Visitors can relax and rejuvenate in the thermal baths or indulge in various wellness treatments. Lamalou-les-Bains also offers beautiful parks, gardens, and a casino for entertainment.
  • Lac du Salagou: Situated about 30 kilometers from Cours, Lac du Salagou is a stunning man-made lake surrounded by red earth hills. This scenic spot is perfect for water activities like swimming, windsurfing, and canoeing. The vibrant colors and unique landscapes make it a popular destination for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Roquebrun: Known as the "Little Nice of Hérault," Roquebrun is a charming village located on the banks of the Orb River. It offers a Mediterranean microclimate, beautiful gardens, and a Mediterranean Garden Espace Méditerranéen that showcases the region's flora and fauna.
  • Saint-Chinian: This small town is renowned for its wine production. Visitors can explore the vineyards, visit wine cellars, and indulge in wine tasting sessions. Don't miss the vibrant Saint-Chinian market, held twice a week, where you can savor local produce and artisanal products.
  • Caroux-Espinouse: Located in the Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park, Caroux-Espinouse is a mountain range offering spectacular hiking and climbing opportunities. The rugged landscapes, deep gorges, and panoramic views make it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Haut-Languedoc Rail Bike: Experience a unique adventure by riding a rail bike on an old railway line. This activity allows you to pedal through the scenic countryside, tunnels, and bridges while enjoying the natural beauty of the region. 10. Minerve: A historic village perched on a rocky outcrop, Minerve is known for its ancient Cathar fortifications and stunning views of the surrounding vineyards. Explore the narrow streets, visit the museum, and learn about the rich history of the Cathar period. These attractions near Cours, Rosis, offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring natural wonders to immersing yourself in the local culture and history.

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