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Sarl Domaine De Combe Beluze
1451 Route De La Magdelaine


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Price per night:

price from €135






Description for B&B:

Experience the enchantment of our 5 delightful guest rooms situated in a fully restored Provençal building from the 17th century. Located just a short distance away from the mesmerizing Méouge gorges and the historic Citadel of Sisteron, our accommodations offer the perfect blend of charm and convenience. Each room features a dining area equipped with a fridge, microwave, kettle, and Nespresso coffee maker, ensuring you have all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay. Additionally, a refreshing pool awaits you, providing a tranquil oasis to relax and unwind.


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extra bed
Notes: with breakfast
Holiday Home 1 700 1200


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Sisteron Citadel: Located in the nearby town of Sisteron, this medieval fortress offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It houses a museum showcasing local history and provides a unique opportunity to explore ancient architecture.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," this breathtaking natural wonder is a must-visit. The deep turquoise waters of the Verdon River wind through towering cliffs, offering opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and simply enjoying the stunning scenery.
  • Forcalquier: Situated just a short distance away, Forcalquier is a charming Provençal town famous for its vibrant market and well-preserved medieval architecture. The Notre-Dame du Bourguet church and the historic town center are worth exploring.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Located approximately 60 kilometers south of Mison, Aix-en-Provence is a cultural hub known for its elegant boulevards, charming squares, and artistic heritage. Visit the Cours Mirabeau, explore the Musée Granet, or simply enjoy the lively atmosphere of this historic city.
  • Luberon Regional Natural Park: This picturesque park encompasses a diverse landscape of rolling hills, vineyards, lavender fields, and picturesque villages. Take a leisurely drive through the region, stopping at villages like Gordes, Roussillon, and Bonnieux to experience the beauty of Provence.
  • Lurs: Perched on a hilltop overlooking the Durance Valley, the village of Lurs offers panoramic views and a glimpse into medieval history. Wander through its narrow streets, visit the ruins of the old castle, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this hidden gem.
  • Digne-les-Bains: Known for its thermal springs and stunning natural surroundings, Digne-les-Bains is a great place to relax and unwind. Explore the town's charming streets, visit the Geological Reserve showcasing fossils, or take a hike in the nearby mountains.
  • Manosque: Located in the heart of Provence, Manosque is a picturesque town famous for being the birthplace of French writer Jean Giono. Discover the historic old town, visit the Fondation Carzou Museum, or simply enjoy the Provençal ambiance in one of its many cafes.
  • Valensole Plateau: Famous for its vast lavender fields, the Valensole Plateau is a must-see during the blooming season (typically from June to August). Witness the purple sea of flowers and capture stunning photographs, immersing yourself in the beauty of the Provencal countryside. 10. Citadel of Entrevaux: Situated on a rocky outcrop above the Var Valley, the Citadel of Entrevaux is a well-preserved fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's military history. Explore the ramparts, visit the underground passages, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Please note that distances and travel times may vary, so it is advisable to check for updated information and plan accordingly before visiting these attractions.

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