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Jean Luc Chaize Danguin
Campagne de Pré Grand 379 chemin du Restugaud
Saint Etienne Les Orgues


6 reviews

Price per night:

price from €85





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Description for B&B:

Welcome to the charming "Campagna" Grand Pre, a century-old farmhouse in the Haute-Provence region, located near Forcalquier, on the outskirts of the village of Saint-Etienne-les-Orgues. You will be greeted in a spacious and comfortable guest room. Special attention is given to the quality of the bedding. The room, carefully furnished, offers practical amenities such as drawers, a table and chairs, an armchair, and all the necessary equipment for making coffee or tea with a kettle. The breakfast, abundant and often organic, is served on the open terrace overlooking the orchard.


Appréciations pour Campagne de Pré Grand, Saint Etienne Les Orgues:

Week reposant
Review by: Patricia, Juin 18 2024 6:37AM
Gite très agréable, le cadre magnifique .très bien accueilli très bien conseillé ,jolie chambre rustique. Je recommande vivement
Logement très calme et agréable
Review by: Isabel, Avr 11 2023 7:04PM
Nous avons passé deux nuits dans ce bel hébergement et nous en avons été très satisfaits. C'est très calme là-bas, la chambre est confortable, le lit a un très bon matelas et il y a une bouilloire, du thé et du café dans la chambre. Le petit déjeuner est très bon et l'hôte très gentil. Nous avons toujours eu une conversation très agréable avec lui pendant le petit déjeuner. Je le recommande vivement !
Excellent séjour
Review by: Annie et Michel, Juin 11 2022 5:10PM
Très belle région, logés dans une très jolie chambre rustique et reçus par Nathalie très sympathique qui nous a servi de supers petits déjeuners.
Un havre de paix
Review by: David et Cécile, Juil 12 2020 4:38PM
Endroit charmant et authentique. Jean Luc et Nathalie très disponibles et de très bon conseil pour visiter les villages alentours. Calme et verdure assurés.
Super séjour
Review by: Jean Pierre pascale, Juil 17 2019 6:49AM
Très belle découverte et des hôtes très avenant agréable weekend à recommander
Tranquillità e calma in titpico stile provenzale
Review by: Stefania, Stefano, Matilda, Juil 9 2019 8:41AM
Abbiamo soggiornato in questa struttura a Giugno 2019; ci siamo trovati molto bene per l'accoglienza e l'ospitalità ricevute. Il proprietario è una persona molto disponibile e davvero generoso quanto a consigli e ad accoglienza.
Molto bello e rilassante il giardino antistante, sia durante le giornate soleggiate, sia nelle serate estive, durante le quali è possibile ammirare il cielo provenzale.
Comodo per raggiungere alcune località degne di visita, come il Colorado Provencal, Forcalquier,
Consigliato a chi vuole un angolo di pace.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 85 85 595 595
(3 pers.)
2 89 99 623 693


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Sisteron Citadel: Located in the nearby town of Sisteron, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its historical architecture and learn about its significance in the region's history.
  • Les Gorges d'Oppedette: Situated a short drive from Saint Etienne Les Orgues, this stunning natural attraction features impressive limestone cliffs and a narrow gorge. Take a leisurely hike through the scenic trails and enjoy the picturesque landscapes.
  • Montagne de Lure: A prominent mountain in the region, Montagne de Lure offers breathtaking views and is a popular destination for hiking, mountain biking, and paragliding. Enjoy the diverse flora and fauna while immersing yourself in nature.
  • Forcalquier: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Saint Etienne Les Orgues, Forcalquier is a charming Provencal town known for its lively markets, quaint streets, and historical landmarks. Visit the Notre-Dame du Bourguet Cathedral and explore the local shops and cafes.
  • Observatoire de Haute-Provence: Discover the wonders of the universe at this astronomical observatory located in Saint-Michel-l'Observatoire. Take a guided tour, observe celestial bodies through telescopes, and learn about the universe through interactive exhibits.
  • Ganagobie Abbey: Nestled on a hilltop overlooking the Durance Valley, Ganagobie Abbey is a beautiful Romanesque monastery. Admire its impressive architectural features and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere while exploring the abbey's grounds.
  • Lavender Fields: The Provence region is famous for its vibrant lavender fields, and you can find several near Saint Etienne Les Orgues. During the blooming season (usually from June to August), take a scenic drive and immerse yourself in the fragrant beauty of these purple fields.
  • Lurs: A picturesque hilltop village, Lurs offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Wander through its narrow streets, admire the well-preserved medieval buildings, and visit the 12th-century church of Saint Vincent.
  • Mane: Located a short distance from Saint Etienne Les Orgues, Mane is a charming village known for its historic architecture and beautiful gardens. Explore the Château de Mane, a restored 18th-century castle, and stroll through the Jardin de Salagon, a botanical garden showcasing local flora. 10. Les Mourres: This unique geological formation near Forcalquier features towering rock formations and natural sculptures. Take a hike through the rugged landscape and appreciate the remarkable shapes created by erosion over thousands of years.

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