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Marielle Durand
9 Rue De La Recluse


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price from €65





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3 65 65 260 325


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  • Privas Old Town: Located right in the heart of Privas, the Old Town is known for its charming narrow streets, medieval buildings, and historical landmarks. Explore the cobblestone alleys, visit the Saint Thomas Church, and enjoy the picturesque views over the surrounding countryside.
  • Mont Gerbier de Jonc: Situated about 24 kilometers northeast of Privas, Mont Gerbier de Jonc is a volcanic mountain famous for being the source of the Loire River. Enjoy a hike to the summit and take in the breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.
  • Château de Crussol: Located approximately 30 kilometers southwest of Privas, the Château de Crussol is an impressive medieval castle perched on a rocky outcrop. Explore the ruins, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy the stunning views over the Rhône Valley.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated around 70 kilometers south of Privas, in the town of Hauterives, Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval is a remarkable example of naïve art architecture. This unique palace was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval and features intricate sculptures and a dream-like atmosphere.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located approximately 40 kilometers west of Privas, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a stunning natural site known for its limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and scenic landscapes. Enjoy activities such as canoeing, hiking, or simply soaking in the beauty of this natural wonder.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Situated about 45 kilometers north of Privas, Safari de Peaugres is one of the largest wildlife parks in France. Take a safari tour and observe various animals in their natural habitat, including lions, giraffes, elephants, and more. The park also offers educational programs and activities for both children and adults.
  • Musée de la Miniature: Located in the town of Hauterives, around 70 kilometers south of Privas, the Musée de la Miniature showcases an impressive collection of miniature artworks and models. Admire the intricate details and craftsmanship of these tiny masterpieces, which include miniature furniture, vehicles, and entire miniature scenes.
  • Vallon Pont d'Arc: Situated approximately 50 kilometers west of Privas, Vallon Pont d'Arc is a charming village known for its natural bridge, the Pont d'Arc, which spans the Ardèche River. Enjoy swimming, canoeing, or simply strolling along the riverbanks and exploring the quaint streets of this picturesque village.
  • Maison des Tetes: Located in the town of Valence, about 29 kilometers northwest of Privas, the Maison des Tetes is a magnificent Renaissance mansion adorned with sculpted heads on its façade. Visit this architectural gem, which now houses a hotel and restaurant, and appreciate its unique and intricate design. 10. Musée de la Lavande: Situated approximately 74 kilometers southwest of Privas, in the village of Saint-Remèze, the Musée de la Lavande is dedicated to the history and production of lavender. Discover the process of extracting essential oils, learn about the various uses of lavender, and enjoy the pleasant aroma that fills the air.

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