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Christine Gillot
14 Route De Quéhan
St Philibert


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Price per night:

price from €128





Description for B&B:

We offer three generously sized and exceptionally cozy en suite rooms, providing ample space for your utmost comfort.

Description for Gite

You have the option to rent the entire gîte, accommodating up to 6 people. The first floor features a comfortable living room and a fully equipped kitchen. Additionally, there are two terraces where you can unwind and soak up the picturesque views and sunshine. Situated in a tranquil area, it offers a peaceful retreat.


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To reach Crach from the N exit, proceed towards la Trinité sur Mer. Just before the bridge, take a right turn at the roundabout. Continue driving for m, and you will find the house on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 128 148




  • Carnac Stones: Located just 6 kilometers from St Philibert, the Carnac Stones is a collection of ancient megalithic monuments, including rows of standing stones, dolmens, and tumuli. This prehistoric site is believed to have been erected between 4500 and 3300 BC, making it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.
  • Quiberon Peninsula: Situated approximately 10 kilometers southwest of St Philibert, the Quiberon Peninsula is a popular coastal destination offering stunning beaches, rugged cliffs, and charming fishing villages. Visitors can enjoy water sports, hiking, cycling, and explore the historic town of Quiberon.
  • Locmariaquer Megaliths: Located around 12 kilometers from St Philibert, the Locmariaquer Megaliths consist of three significant Neolithic monuments: the Grand Menhir Brisé, the Table des Marchands, and the Er-Grah Tumulus. These ancient structures offer insights into the region's prehistoric past and are surrounded by beautiful coastal scenery.
  • Saint-Pierre-Quiberon: Situated just 13 kilometers southwest of St Philibert, Saint-Pierre-Quiberon is a charming seaside town known for its sandy beaches, quaint harbor, and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can relax on the beach, take a boat trip to nearby islands, or explore the town's historical sites.
  • Port Navalo: Located approximately 15 kilometers from St Philibert, Port Navalo is a small seaside village known for its picturesque harbor and stunning views over the Gulf of Morbihan. Visitors can enjoy walks along the waterfront promenade, visit the nearby Fort de Port Navalo, or take a boat trip to discover the Gulf's numerous islands.
  • Auray: Situated around 16 kilometers inland from St Philibert, Auray is a charming town with a rich historical heritage. The town's medieval center, known as Saint-Goustan, features narrow streets, half-timbered houses, and a picturesque port. Visitors can explore the town's charming shops, enjoy local cuisine, and visit the Saint-Goustan Church.
  • Vannes: Located approximately 27 kilometers from St Philibert, Vannes is a historic city with well-preserved medieval ramparts and a bustling city center. Visitors can stroll through the cobbled streets, admire the half-timbered houses, visit the impressive Vannes Cathedral, and explore the charming port area.
  • Belle-Île-en-Mer: Situated off the coast of Brittany, Belle-Île-en-Mer is the largest of the Breton islands and can be reached by ferry from Quiberon. Known for its rugged coastline, beautiful beaches, and picturesque villages, the island offers opportunities for hiking, cycling, and exploring charming towns such as Le Palais and Sauzon.

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