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Jm Bugarel
1 Bis Côte du Calvaire


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Price per night:

price from €83





Description for B&B:

Your private house, situated in a separate section of the main residence, can comfortably accommodate up to four individuals.

The house comprises of the following:

- A spacious master bedroom spanning 20 square metres, furnished with a king-size bed featuring an organic cotton mattress.
- An attic room covering 18 square metres, equipped with a convertible sofa.
- An elegantly designed bathroom with a charming, vintage-style tub.
- Three private terraces, including a dedicated breakfast terrace and a serene solarium.

We provide a range of facilities and services for your convenience and enjoyment:

- A complimentary continental breakfast is included.
- Free wifi is available throughout the house.
- Each room is equipped with a television for your entertainment.
- A DVD player and a selection of movies are also provided.
- A library is at your disposal, offering a variety of reading materials.
- We provide a kettle, tea, coffee, and a bottle of water.
- A microwave oven is available for your use.
- Bicycles are available for rent, allowing you to explore the surroundings at your leisure.
- We offer a wealth of tourist information to enhance your stay.

Please be aware of the following:

- Access to the floors and terraces may pose difficulties for elderly or disabled individuals due to the presence of numerous steps.
- Regrettably, pets are not permitted on the premises.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 83 83
(3 pers.)
1 77 95


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