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Liesbet et Theo Pranger
Lieu-dit Pech Blanc



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80





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Description for B&B:

Our site can be best described by the keywords tranquility, nature, privacy, and comfort. Located in the Quercy region of France, Pech Blanc offers a unique experience. The Quercy region, primarily situated within the Lot département, became a nature park in 1999. This special area is characterized by its rugged, hilly terrain and lush woodlands. The river Lot, along with its contributing streams Célé and Vers, have carved deep gorges throughout the limestone plateau. Despite its beauty, the Quercy remains a hidden gem, untouched by the masses of tourists. It is a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

With an extensive network of footpaths and ample opportunities for horse riding, there are endless possibilities for exploration. Traveling by car or motorcycle allows for the discovery of the Quercy's hidden treasures. There are numerous noteworthy sites to visit and plenty of activities to engage in.

At Pech Blanc, a meticulously restored stone-built barn from 2004/2005 serves as our accommodation. It offers four spacious bedrooms and a delightful breakfast/dining room. Two bedrooms are conveniently located on the ground floor, while the other two are found upstairs. With three double rooms and one family room for three people, we strive to cater to a variety of needs. Additionally, one of our rooms has been specially adapted for wheelchair users. Each room is equipped with central heating, a private bathroom, and a television. The combination of thick stone walls and modern insulation ensures a comfortable environment, keeping the rooms cool during the summer and warm in the winter. The ground floor rooms have independent entrances, while the first-floor rooms are accessible via a common staircase. All entrances, including the dining room, open onto a charming central courtyard. Surrounding the courtyard, you will find the main farmhouse, garage, and various outbuildings. The dining room features a cozy open fire, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Furthermore, our spacious hangar has been transformed into a tastefully decorated lounge, providing a perfect setting to enjoy a drink or dine with us, if desired.


Appréciations pour Chambres d'hôtes Pech Blanc, Calvignac:

Moto-Quercy-PechBlanc = Trio gagnant !
Review by: Eric, Juin 13 2014 9:49PM
Excellente adresse. Un accueil super sympa par Marie José et Wouter pour notre petit WE moto dans cette région magnifique qu'est le Quercy. Merci à eux d'avoir redonné vie à ces vieilles pierres situées dans une nature superbe.
Très sympa et reposant !
Review by: Lecler et Coquillat, Mai 1 2014 7:17PM
Merci pour l'accueil et ce petit séjour dans le Lot. Chambre très sympa et lieu fort joli !

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Travel directions from the A20 (direction of Paris or Toulouse):
1. Take Exit 58 Cahors-Sud.
2. After the toll booth, turn right onto the first road (Lalbenque).
3. At the roundabout, take a right onto the D19 towards Lalbenque.
4. Stay on the D19 towards Limogne, passing through the villages of Vaylats, Bach, and Varaire.
5. In Limogne, take a right at the junction (garage on your left).
6. Continue through Limogne on the D911 towards Villefranche. After approximately 200 meters past the town center, take the first left onto the D19 towards Figeac and Calvignac.
7. After 1.5 km, turn left at the junction with the D143 towards Calvignac.
8. After 2 km, turn left towards Pech Blanc (look for a sign).
9. After 800 meters, you will reach the hamlet, and the first house on your right is the destination.

Travel directions from the Lot valley (the D662):
1. Cross the river Lot at Larnagol, then turn left after the two bridges and immediately right.
2. Ascend and pass through Calvignac on the D143.
3. Continue on the same road for a little over 4 km after Calvignac, passing the viewpoint, until you see four dustbins on the right at a small crossroads with a signposted small road on your right indicating Pech Blanc.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 90 25 oui
(3 pers.)
3 80 90 25 oui


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Grotte du Pech Merle: Located just 4 kilometers away from Calvignac, Grotte du Pech Merle is a prehistoric cave that is renowned for its stunning cave paintings dating back over 20,000 years. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the intricate artwork and learn about the history and significance of the cave.
  • Château de Cénevières: Situated approximately 8 kilometers from Calvignac, Château de Cénevières is a picturesque medieval castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle, admire its architectural features, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • St-Cirq-Lapopie: Located around 12 kilometers away, St-Cirq-Lapopie is a charming village perched on a cliff above the Lot River. It is classified as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages in France" and is known for its medieval architecture, narrow streets, and stunning views. Visitors can wander through the village, visit art galleries, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.
  • Château de Cieurac: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Calvignac, Château de Cieurac is a stunning castle that dates back to the 13th century. Although partially in ruins, the castle offers an impressive sight with its imposing towers and scenic views of the Lot Valley. Visitors can explore the castle grounds and learn about its history.
  • Phosphatières du Cloup d'Aural: Located about 20 kilometers away, Phosphatières du Cloup d'Aural is a unique geological site where phosphate mining took place in the past. The site features natural sinkholes, underground galleries, and a museum showcasing the history of phosphate mining in the region. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the geological formations and the mining industry.
  • Château de Cénevières Gardens: Adjacent to the Château de Cénevières, the castle gardens offer a tranquil and scenic setting to explore. The beautifully landscaped gardens feature terraces, flower beds, and ancient trees, providing a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic while enjoying views of the Lot River.
  • Château de Larroque-Toirac: Situated around 25 kilometers away, Château de Larroque-Toirac is a medieval fortress that overlooks the village of Larroque-Toirac. The castle offers guided tours, showcasing its architectural features, including a keep, a drawbridge, and a dungeon. The visit also includes access to the village's historic center.
  • Les Docks de Cahors: Located about 30 kilometers from Calvignac, Les Docks de Cahors is a renovated warehouse complex situated on the banks of the Lot River in Cahors. The area offers a lively atmosphere with restaurants, cafes, and boutiques. Visitors can enjoy a stroll along the riverfront, dine in one of the restaurants, or browse through the local shops. These attractions provide a range of options for tourists in the vicinity of Lieu-dit Pech Blanc, Calvignac, offering opportunities to explore prehistoric caves, medieval castles, picturesque villages, and unique geological sites.