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1169 Route de Carpentras


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price from €300




Description for Gite

This stunning vacation rental boasts a well-equipped kitchen and a cozy living room. Step outside onto the inviting terrace, where you'll find a complete set of outdoor furniture including a table and chairs, perfect for alfresco dining. Additionally, there is a barbecue available for those who enjoy grilling. Relax by the pool on comfortable deck chairs, soaking up the sun and enjoying the tranquil surroundings.


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extra bed
Apartment 1 300 550 Non


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Mazan: Located in the heart of Mazan, this historic castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich heritage. Explore its impressive architecture, beautiful gardens, and learn about its fascinating history through informative guided tours.
  • Mont Ventoux: A renowned mountain in Provence, Mont Ventoux is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. It offers fantastic hiking and cycling trails with breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. The challenging route to the summit is a must for cycling enthusiasts.
  • Avignon: Just a short drive away, Avignon is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visit the Palais des Papes, a grand palace that served as a residence for the Popes in the 14th century, and explore the charming streets of the old town.
  • Gorges de la Nesque: Nature lovers will appreciate the stunning beauty of the Gorges de la Nesque, a picturesque canyon located nearby. Drive or cycle along the scenic road that winds through the gorge, offering panoramic views and opportunities for hiking and picnicking.
  • Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque: Situated in a tranquil valley, the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Sénanque is a magnificent Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Marvel at its Romanesque architecture, visit the lavender fields surrounding it, and attend Gregorian chants during summer evenings.
  • Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Known as the "Venice of Provence," Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is a charming town famous for its network of canals and antique markets. Explore the town's narrow streets, browse through unique shops, and enjoy a meal at one of its many riverside restaurants.
  • Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: Discover the source of the Sorgue River in the enchanting village of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. Visit the mysterious spring, which is one of the largest in the world, and take a leisurely stroll along the riverbank, surrounded by lush greenery.
  • Orange: Home to remarkable Roman ruins, Orange is a town worth visiting. The ancient Roman Theatre of Orange, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is exceptionally well-preserved and hosts various cultural events. Explore the town's historic center and enjoy the local cuisine.
  • Gordes: Located in the Luberon region, Gordes is a stunning hilltop village known for its traditional stone houses and panoramic views. Wander through its narrow streets, visit the 12th-century castle, and soak in the breathtaking vistas over the surrounding countryside. 10. Vaison-la-Romaine: Immerse yourself in Roman history by visiting Vaison-la-Romaine, a town boasting extensive Roman ruins. Explore the well-preserved Roman theater, walk through the ancient streets of the Puymin archaeological site, and explore the town's charming medieval old town.