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Prolhac Géraud
Le Bourg


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Price per night:

price from €258




Description for Gite

Experience the charming ambiance of our village. Immerse yourself in a plethora of activities including swimming, climbing, orienteering courses, tennis, hiking, and biking trails. Delve into the rich history at the local museum or indulge in a game of golf or other sports. Unwind with our entertaining program conveniently hosted on-site. For special occasions, our party room is available for rent during major events. Additionally, you have the opportunity to rent the cozy houses scattered throughout the town, ensuring a comfortable and memorable stay.


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The ski slopes of Super Lioran are located approximately 12 kilometers away from Saint Flour and the A75 motorway. To reach Super Lioran, you need to head in the direction of Aurillac on the D926 road. The journey from Saint Flour to Super Lioran covers a distance of around 22 kilometers.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: For p 2 board
Notes: board for 2 p


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Puy Mary - Located in the heart of the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Natural Park, Puy Mary is one of the most famous volcanoes in the region. It offers stunning panoramic views from its summit, making it a popular destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts.
  • Château d'Anjony - Situated in Tournemire, near Coltines, the Château d'Anjony is a medieval fortress known for its impressive architecture and history. Visitors can explore the castle's rooms, towers, and courtyard, and learn about its role in the region's past.
  • Salers - A picturesque village nestled in the Cantal Mountains, Salers is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander the narrow streets, admire the beautiful stone houses, and enjoy the local cuisine, including the renowned Salers cheese.
  • Saint-Flour - Located about 20 kilometers from Coltines, Saint-Flour is a charming town perched on a volcanic rock. The town boasts a medieval center with narrow streets, a magnificent cathedral, and stunning views over the surrounding countryside.
  • Viaduc de Garabit - Designed by Gustave Eiffel, the Viaduc de Garabit is an iconic railway bridge that spans the Truyère River. Its impressive iron structure and engineering marvel attract both history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Lac de Saint-Étienne-Cantalès - This beautiful lake, located just south of Coltines, offers a tranquil setting for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, or simply relax on the sandy beaches while taking in the scenic surroundings.
  • Aurillac - As the capital of the Cantal department, Aurillac is a vibrant city with a rich heritage. It features a historic city center, with charming squares, old buildings, and a variety of shops and restaurants. The International Street Theater Festival held here every summer is also a major attraction.
  • Château d'Alleuze - Located near Saint-Flour, the Château d'Alleuze is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. Although in ruins, its remains still evoke its former grandeur, and visitors can explore the site and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne - Encompassing a large part of the region, this natural park offers diverse landscapes, including volcanoes, lakes, and forests. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and wildlife spotting, as well as learning about the geological history of the area. 10. Chaudes-Aigues - Known for its natural hot springs, Chaudes-Aigues is a spa town where visitors can relax and rejuvenate in the thermal baths. The town also features a unique hot water fountain, which is the hottest in Europe. Please note that distances and accessibility may vary, so it is recommended to check specific details and opening hours before planning your visit.

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