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Château de Lescure
St Martin Sous Vigouroux



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €100






Description for B&B:

A 12th-century tower is situated within the picturesque "parc des volcans d'Auvergne". It is intricately connected to a charming, traditional farmhouse. The property boasts an enchanting organic garden and offers delectable organic cuisine. Guests can embark on invigorating hikes along ancient trails.

Description for Gite

Experience the enchantment of our tower with its three charming vaulted rooms. Step into the Princess's room, adorned with ancient cooking recipees, and indulge in the flavors of country cuisine. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature with invigorating hikes along historic trails. Enhance your culinary skills with training sessions dedicated to the art of bread making, utilizing the traditional village oven.


Appréciations pour Château de Lescure, St Martin Sous Vigouroux:

de passage au chateau
Review by: deshoux, Avr 26 2012 10:15AM
Accueil sympathique,de suite vous vous sentez " chez vous " échangeant en toute simplicité mais avec passion sur différents sujets avec les maitres des lieux .La demeure de caractère et le lieu vous invite à la sérénité et aux voyages dans le table est à la mesure de l'ensemble.
Chateau de Lescure
Review by: Peter, Fev 14 2012 6:40PM
I said to our hosts that I don't normally leave recommendations on websites but on this occasion I would make an exception. This is because the place is stunning, full of old world charm but even more important a welcome that is second to none. Owing to a communication error (mine, not theirs) we didn't actually book dinner, which was a shame. However, at only a few minutes notice they conjured up a dinner that was fit for a King. The accommodation is traditional and sleeping in the tower is a must, especially if you like the real thing. This is definitely not Disney. We stayed there in summer 2011, so although its late, I did promise.

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To reach Brezons from the A75, take the St Flour exit and head towards the upper town. Proceed towards Pierrefort on the D990 and when you reach the bridge of St Martin, make a right turn. Follow the road in the direction of Brezons.

From Aurillac, simply take the D990 and continue until you reach St Martin. At this point, make a left turn and proceed towards Brezons.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 100 100 81 81 30 OUI
(3 pers.)
2 130 130 0108 0108 30 OUI


Animals Allowed


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  • Puy Mary: Puy Mary is a famous volcanic peak in the heart of the Massif Central. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Auvergne region and is a popular destination for hiking and panoramic photography.
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  • Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d'Auvergne: This regional nature park is home to the largest concentration of volcanic features in Europe. Visitors can explore the park's diverse landscapes, including volcanoes, lakes, and forests, and engage in activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting.
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  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Located around 60 km from St Martin Sous Vigouroux, Le Puy-en-Velay is a historic town famous for its unique rock formations, including the striking Rocher Corneille and the Chapel of St. Michel d'Aiguilhe. The town also hosts the annual Fête du Roi de l'Oiseau, a lively Renaissance festival.
  • Bort-les-Orgues: Situated on the shores of Lake Bort-les-Orgues, this small town offers a range of water activities, including swimming, boating, and fishing. Visitors can also explore the nearby Orgues de Bort, a series of basalt columns formed by ancient volcanic activity. 10. Vulcania: Located near Clermont-Ferrand, Vulcania is a unique theme park dedicated to the fascinating world of volcanoes. It offers interactive exhibits, educational shows, and thrilling rides, providing visitors with an immersive experience about the science and history of volcanoes. These attractions offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, showcasing the diverse beauty and heritage of the region near Château de Lescure in St Martin Sous Vigouroux, France.