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price from €65


Description for B&B:

Situated in a quaint village just 2km away from the picturesque Canal du Midi in Trebes, and a mere 3km from the enchanting Medieval Cite of Carcassonne, this accommodation offers breathtaking views from its inviting terraces. Boasting an array of amenities, the house provides two spacious ensuite bedrooms with private terraces, along with four affordable rooms that share bathroom facilities. Guests will find comfort in the convenience of tea and coffee making facilities, a sizable lounge with satellite TV, and a reliable wifi connection.

Description for Gite

This villa offers complete amenities, including an American style kitchen, spacious lounge, and a total of 4 double and 2 twin bedrooms. It features 2 ensuite rooms, a separate bathroom, and a separate toilet. The villa is also equipped with essential appliances such as a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, and oven. Linen and towels are provided, ensuring a comfortable stay. Additionally, there is a large swimming pool available, exclusively suitable for older children.


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To get to Le Castel, follow these travel directions:

1. Take Junction 24 from the A61 Autoroute between Toulouse and Narbonne.
2. Follow the National road towards Trebes.
3. Look for a signpost on your right-hand side indicating D3 direction Lagrasse as you approach the village sign for Trebes.
4. Continue on the road for approximately 2 kilometers until you reach the village of Fonties DAude.
5. Keep an eye out for the village flower display on your left-hand side.
6. At the road fork, take the right-hand fork (ignore the sign for centre ville) as the road starts to ascend and bend.
7. Look for the first turning on the right-hand side labeled "Chemin de Matet".
8. Le Castel, marked clearly on the outside, is the third house on the right-hand side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 65 65 420 560 20 Inc
Notes: Sleeps Up to 12


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed

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