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Balaruc les Bains



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price from €1800




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Welcome to our cozy apartment perfect for two guests. This charming accommodation features a comfortable bedroom, a modern bathroom with a shower, and a convenient toilet. Nestled in the beautiful town of Balaruc les Bains, our property is ideally situated near the captivating coastal town of Sète, offering easy access to the stunning beaches of the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, it's just a short distance from the vibrant city of Montpellier, providing endless opportunities to explore the cultural and entertainment offerings of the region. Come and experience the splendid South of France from our delightful apartment.


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To reach your destination, please follow these revised travel directions: Proceed along the A9 motorway and take the SETE exit. From there, continue following the signs for BALARUC LES BAINS.



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(2 pers.)
2 130 220 NON




  • Étang de Thau: Located just a few kilometers away, Étang de Thau is a stunning coastal lagoon known for its oyster and mussel farms. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, indulge in fresh seafood, and even try their hand at water sports like paddleboarding or kayaking.
  • Balaruc-les-Bains Thermal Spa: Situated in the heart of Balaruc les Bains, this thermal spa is renowned for its healing properties. Visitors can relax in the soothing thermal waters, book various treatments and massages, and immerse themselves in a tranquil and rejuvenating environment.
  • Mont Saint-Clair: Offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea, Mont Saint-Clair is a must-visit attraction near Balaruc les Bains. Visitors can hike or drive to the summit and enjoy the stunning vistas, explore the surrounding nature trails, and even visit the 17th-century Notre-Dame de la Salette Chapel.
  • Sète: Located approximately 8 kilometers away, the charming coastal town of Sète is often referred to as the "Venice of Languedoc." Known for its picturesque canals, vibrant fishing port, and lively atmosphere, Sète offers visitors a chance to explore its colorful streets, enjoy fresh seafood, and experience the local culture.
  • Abbaye de Valmagne: Situated about 20 kilometers from Balaruc les Bains, the Abbaye de Valmagne is a beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire the stunning Gothic architecture, explore the well-manicured gardens, and even sample the abbey's own wine produced on-site.
  • Pézenas: Located around 30 kilometers away, Pézenas is a charming medieval town famous for its well-preserved architecture and vibrant arts scene. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets lined with craft shops and art galleries, visit the birthplace of French playwright Molière, and enjoy the town's lively market.
  • Frontignan Beach: Situated just a short drive from Balaruc les Bains, Frontignan Beach offers a lovely stretch of sandy shoreline along the Mediterranean coast. Visitors can relax on the beach, take a refreshing swim, or explore the nearby salt marshes, which are home to diverse bird species.
  • Villeveyrac: Located around 20 kilometers away, Villeveyrac is a picturesque village known for its stunning vineyards and olive groves. Visitors can wander through the village's quaint streets, visit local wineries for wine tastings, and enjoy the serene countryside scenery.
  • Musée Paul-Valéry: Situated in Sète, the Musée Paul-Valéry is dedicated to the famous French poet and philosopher Paul Valéry, who was born in the town. The museum showcases a collection of Valéry's manuscripts, letters, and personal belongings, as well as contemporary art exhibitions. 10. Mèze: Located approximately 10 kilometers away, the charming coastal town of Mèze is famous for its picturesque harbor, traditional fishing boats, and excellent seafood restaurants. Visitors can stroll along the waterfront promenade, taste local oysters and mussels, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this coastal gem.

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