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Contact Details:


Annie Cabrol
46 Avenue de Campagnan
Saint Pargoire


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Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

We offer a cozy and comfortable small suite for three people (option 6) in our home, located on the outskirts of the village. The suite includes a bedroom, a small living room, a bathroom, and a separate toilet. Our property also features a driveway for your convenience.

You have the option to enjoy breakfast on our terrace, which overlooks our beautiful garden with exceptional views. Alternatively, you can join us at the family table for breakfast. If you'd like, we can also prepare a traditional dinner for you upon request.

St PARGOIRE is conveniently located 5 km from the A75 and 20 km from the A9, making it easily accessible. It lies in the heart of a region that thrives on tourism and culture. Within close proximity, you can explore prestigious sites and cities such as the Canal du Midi, the Mediterranean, the Camargue, Montpellier, Saint-Guilhem-le Desert, and Pézenas.


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To reach our house, follow these travel directions:

If you are 5 KM away from the A75 motorway, take the exit for Paulhan No. 58. After crossing Paulhan and Campagnan, enter Saint-Pargoire. Our house is located 150 metres after the sign entering St. Pargoire at No. 46.

If you are 20 KM away from the A9, take the exit for Pézenas No. 34. Once you reach the entrance of Pézenas, take the A75 motorway and continue in the direction of Millau. Take the exit for Paulhan No. 58. Cross Paulhan and Campagnan, then enter Saint-Pargoire. Our house is situated 150 metres after the sign entering St. Pargoire at No. 46.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: internet and breakfast




  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert (9.5 km): A picturesque medieval village nestled in a valley, known for its well-preserved architecture and the famous Abbey of Gellone, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Lac du Salagou (13 km): A stunning lake surrounded by red soil and rugged hills, offering opportunities for swimming, sailing, and hiking. The landscape also features unique geological formations.
  • Pézenas (18 km): A charming town known for its well-preserved Renaissance architecture and connection to famous playwright Molière. Explore the narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy the lively atmosphere.
  • Cirque de Mourèze (22 km): A natural wonder characterized by an impressive collection of gigantic limestone rocks sculpted by erosion. It offers beautiful hiking trails with panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Montpellier (36 km): A vibrant and historic city known for its lively squares, medieval streets, and impressive architecture. Visit the Place de la Comédie, Montpellier Cathedral, and the Musée Fabre art museum.
  • Sète (40 km): A charming coastal town known as the Venice of Languedoc due to its canals and picturesque port. Enjoy fresh seafood, visit the waterfront promenade, and explore the vibrant art scene.
  • Pont du Gard (60 km): A magnificent Roman aqueduct bridge and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at its impressive engineering and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Carcassonne (84 km): A fortified medieval town with a well-preserved citadel. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Château Comtal, and take in the panoramic views from the city walls.
  • Nîmes (86 km): A historic city famous for its well-preserved Roman monuments, including the Arena of Nîmes and the Maison Carrée. Explore the charming old town and soak in the Roman heritage. 10. Avignon (100 km): Known for the magnificent Palais des Papes and the famous Pont d'Avignon, this city offers rich history, beautiful architecture, and a vibrant arts scene. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary based on the exact location within Saint Pargoire. It is always recommended to check for opening hours and any specific restrictions before visiting these attractions.