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Pernes les Fontaines
Pernes les Fontaines



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price from €430






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Welcome to our charming self-catering gite in the beautiful region of Provence, specifically located in Vaucluse.


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  • Notre-Dame-de-Nazareth Church: This beautiful church in the heart of Pernes les Fontaines dates back to the 14th century and features stunning Gothic architecture. It is known for its intricately carved wooden pulpit and magnificent stained glass windows.
  • Fontaine de Vaucluse: Located just a short drive from Pernes les Fontaines, this picturesque village is famous for its natural spring, which is the largest in France. Visitors can explore the charming village, visit the Musée d'Histoire and take a boat ride on the crystal-clear waters of the Sorgue river.
  • Carpentras: Situated nearby, Carpentras is a historic town with a rich cultural heritage. It boasts a well-preserved old town, a Jewish synagogue dating back to the 14th century, and the impressive Saint-Siffrein Cathedral. Don't miss the famous Friday market, where you can find a wide variety of local produce and goods.
  • Avignon: Just a short distance away, Avignon is renowned for its well-preserved medieval walls and the Palais des Papes (Popes' Palace), an impressive fortress that served as the papal residence in the 14th century. Visitors can also explore the charming narrow streets of the old town, visit the famous Pont d'Avignon, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Situated to the east of Pernes les Fontaines, this stunning natural park is characterized by its picturesque hilltop villages, lavender fields, and vineyards. Visitors can hike or cycle through the park, explore the charming villages of Gordes and Roussillon, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Mont Ventoux: Known as the "Giant of Provence," Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain that offers spectacular views over the region. It is a popular destination for cyclists and hikers, with challenging trails leading to its summit. On a clear day, the panoramic views from the top are truly breathtaking.
  • Châteauneuf-du-Pape: Located a short distance south of Pernes les Fontaines, this renowned wine village is famous for its prestigious vineyards and wine production. Visitors can explore the medieval ruins of the Château des Papes, taste the world-class wines at local wineries, and learn about the history and techniques of winemaking in the area.
  • Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Situated along the Sorgue river, this charming town is often referred to as the "Venice of Provence" due to its canals and waterwheels. It is known for its antique shops and the famous Sunday market, where visitors can find a wide range of unique treasures. Don't miss the Musée de la Lavande, which showcases the history and production of lavender in the region. These tourist attractions near Pernes les Fontaines offer a variety of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and charm of the Provence region in France.

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