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Nathalie Rochepeau
46 Avenue de La Lieue de Grève
Plestin Les Grèves


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Price per night:

price from €55



06 27 63 02 77


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 55 55 100 100 8
(3 pers.)
60 60


Animals Allowed


  • Plestin-les-Grèves Beach: Located just a short distance from your address, Plestin-les-Grèves Beach is a beautiful sandy beach offering stunning views of the coastline. It is an ideal spot for sunbathing, swimming, and beachside picnics.
  • Château de Rosanbo: Situated approximately 5 kilometers away, Château de Rosanbo is a magnificent castle dating back to the 17th century. Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved interiors, including the opulent salons and a vast collection of antique furniture.
  • Les Chaos du Gouët: Found around 30 kilometers from Plestin Les Grèves, Les Chaos du Gouët is a natural site known for its impressive granite rock formations. Visitors can take a leisurely hike through the forested area and discover unique geological formations such as boulders and cliffs.
  • Saint-Michel-en-Grève: This charming coastal village is located within 10 kilometers of your address. It offers a picturesque harbor, historic buildings, and a sandy beach. Visitors can enjoy strolling through the village, exploring the local shops, and admiring the beautiful sea views.
  • Locquirec: Situated about 15 kilometers away, Locquirec is a picturesque seaside town known for its stunning landscapes and charming harbor. Visitors can wander along the waterfront, visit the local markets, and indulge in delicious seafood at one of the many waterfront restaurants.
  • Pink Granite Coast (Côte de Granit Rose): Located approximately 40 kilometers from Plestin Les Grèves, the Pink Granite Coast is renowned for its unique rock formations that boast hues of pink and orange. Visitors can take scenic walks along the coast, explore hidden coves, and marvel at the surreal beauty of the landscape.
  • Morlaix: Positioned around 20 kilometers away, Morlaix is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. The town is famous for its viaduct, known as "Viaduc de Morlaix," which spans across the town center. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the local museums, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of this charming town.
  • Cairn of Barnenez: Located about 30 kilometers from Plestin Les Grèves, the Cairn of Barnenez is an ancient Neolithic burial mound. It is one of the largest megalithic monuments in Europe and dates back over 6,000 years. Visitors can explore the site and learn about its historical significance through informative exhibits. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty to historical landmarks, ensuring there is something to suit every tourist's interests near your address in Plestin Les Grèves, France.

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