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Jean Francois Fleuriot
1a Rue Du Varcq



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Price per night:

price from €136




Description for B&B:

Welcome to "Evel Er Ger" cottages, a charming accommodation with a 3-key rating. Situated in the upper Bay of Locquirec, our home offers breathtaking views of the harbor.

After a delightful time at the sandy beach just 100 meters away, indulge in ultimate relaxation at our heated indoor pool, jacuzzi, sauna, massage room, and gym. You can savor an aperitif at the terrace bar overlooking the pool or cozy up by the fireplace, which also provides a view of the pool. Additionally, we have a grand piano for those who enjoy playing music.

For dinner, you will be treated to a unique experience at our round table d'hôte, measuring 3 meters in diameter and constantly rotating to offer ever-changing views of the harbor and bay.

All our rooms are equipped with a bathroom complete with a shower, bathtub, toilet, and internet connection. Two of the rooms even have a terrace that overlooks the beautiful harbor of Locquirec.

Whether you are planning a weekend getaway, midweek break, seminars, or group trips, we have you covered. Thanks to our 15-passenger buses, we can arrange guided tours, treasure hunts, and hikes to make your stay even more enjoyable.


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To get to Morlaix, you have several transportation options:

By train: Take a train to Morlaix station.
By plane: You can choose to fly to Morlaix airport, Lannion airport, or Brest airport.
By boat: If you prefer to travel by boat, you can take one from Roscoff.
By road: Follow the route 1a and turn onto Street of Varq (29241).



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 136 136 770 910 30 oui
(3 pers.)
5 140 160 980 1120 30 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Locquirec Beach: Located just a short walk from Rue Du Varcq, Locquirec Beach is a scenic sandy beach offering beautiful views of the coastline. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports activities in the clear blue waters of the English Channel.
  • Château du Taureau: Situated on an island in the Bay of Morlaix, Château du Taureau is a historic fortress that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can take a ferry or boat tour to explore this well-preserved castle, which offers stunning views and a glimpse into the region's maritime history.
  • Cairn of Barnenez: Located around 10 miles away from Locquirec, the Cairn of Barnenez is one of the oldest megalithic monuments in Europe, dating back to approximately 4500 BC. This Neolithic burial mound consists of various chambers and is a fascinating site for history enthusiasts.
  • Saint-Thégonnec Parish Close: Situated in the village of Saint-Thégonnec, around 15 miles from Locquirec, the Saint-Thégonnec Parish Close is a religious complex comprising a church, an ossuary, and a calvary. The intricate carvings and architectural details of this 16th-century site make it a must-visit for those interested in art and history.
  • Morlaix: Located approximately 15 miles east of Locquirec, the town of Morlaix offers a charming medieval atmosphere with its cobblestone streets, timber-framed houses, and a picturesque viaduct spanning the river. Visitors can explore the historic town center, visit the Morlaix Museum, or take a boat trip along the river to admire the scenery.
  • Ploumanac'h: Situated around 25 miles west of Locquirec, Ploumanac'h is renowned for its stunning pink granite rock formations and scenic coastal landscapes. The Sentier des Douaniers (Customs Officer's Path) offers a delightful walking trail that leads visitors through this unique natural environment.
  • Île de Batz: Located off the coast of Roscoff, approximately 25 miles northwest of Locquirec, Île de Batz is a small island known for its beautiful gardens and sandy beaches. Visitors can take a ferry to explore the island, rent bicycles, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and lush vegetation.
  • Roscoff: Around 25 miles northwest of Locquirec, the coastal town of Roscoff is famous for its historic harbor and its connection to the seaweed industry. Visitors can wander through the charming streets, visit the medieval Church of Notre-Dame-de-Croaz-Batz, and enjoy fresh seafood at the local restaurants. These tourist attractions near Rue Du Varcq in Locquirec offer a range of natural, historical, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse array of activities to enjoy during their stay.