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price from €58




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Welcome to Le "Château de Mours", a charming bed and breakfast nestled in the breathtaking Ardeche region! Here, you will find a tranquil sanctuary where you can unwind and savor the crisp mountain breeze, surrounded by the soothing melodies of nature. With great joy, we have been welcoming guests to Le "Château de Mours" for many seasons now. This distinguished mansion, formerly the village school, proudly sits at an elevation of 560 meters above the picturesque Eyrieux river valley, in the captivating and historically rich Boutieres region.


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Notes: Pets Friendly


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  • Château de Crussol: Located in Saint-Péray, this impressive medieval castle offers stunning views of the Rhône Valley. Explore the well-preserved ruins, stroll through the beautiful gardens, and learn about the castle's rich history through informative exhibits.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, this unique and whimsical palace was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. Constructed by hand over a period of 33 years, the palace is an eclectic mix of architectural styles and is adorned with intricate sculptures.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: Just a short drive from Mours, this expansive natural park offers a wealth of outdoor activities. Explore the diverse landscapes, hike through picturesque trails, enjoy panoramic views, and discover the rich flora and fauna of the region.
  • Valrhona Chocolate Factory: Located in Tain-l'Hermitage, this renowned chocolate factory offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the chocolate-making process, taste various high-quality chocolates, and indulge in a delightful shopping experience.
  • Pont d'Arc: Found in Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, this natural landmark is a massive natural arch spanning the Ardèche River. It serves as the gateway to the Ardèche Gorges and is a popular spot for canoeing, kayaking, and swimming, as well as admiring the breathtaking scenery.
  • Caverne du Pont-d'Arc: Situated near the Pont d'Arc, this impressive replica of the Chauvet Cave showcases some of the oldest known cave paintings in the world. Explore the immersive exhibits and gain insight into the lives of prehistoric humans.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Located in Peaugres, this wildlife park is home to over 1,200 animals from around the world. Take a safari-style tour, witness animals in their natural habitats, and enjoy educational presentations and interactive experiences.
  • Musée de la Chaussure: Situated in Romans-sur-Isère, this museum is dedicated to the history and art of footwear. Discover a vast collection of shoes dating back centuries, learn about traditional shoemaking techniques, and explore temporary exhibitions.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: A stunning natural attraction, these breathtaking gorges offer scenic drives, hiking trails, and opportunities for canoeing or kayaking along the Ardèche River. Marvel at the towering cliffs, lush vegetation, and crystal-clear waters. 10. Village of Mirmande: Nestled on a hilltop, this charming medieval village is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque streets. Stroll through the narrow alleys, admire the ancient stone houses, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

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