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Jean Fourneau
5 Quai De Verdun


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1 48 48 288 288 15




  • Vannes Old Town: Located just steps away from 5 Quai de Verdun, Vannes Old Town is a charming and well-preserved medieval town. Explore its narrow streets, half-timbered houses, and visit the impressive Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Vannes.
  • The Château de l'Hermine: This historic castle, located in the heart of Vannes, was once the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. Today, it serves as the official residence of the Prefect of Morbihan and occasionally hosts art exhibitions.
  • Vannes Marina: Situated along the Gulf of Morbihan, Vannes Marina offers a picturesque harbor setting. Stroll along the waterfront, admire the boats, and enjoy the lively atmosphere with a variety of cafes and restaurants.
  • Aquarium de Vannes: Perfect for families and marine life enthusiasts, the Aquarium de Vannes showcases a wide range of marine species. Explore the various themed tanks and learn about the biodiversity of the Gulf of Morbihan.
  • Le Jardin des Remparts: This beautiful garden, located near the Vannes city walls, offers a tranquil escape from the bustling streets. Enjoy a leisurely walk, sit by the fountains, and admire the well-maintained flower beds.
  • Château de Suscinio: Located about 16 kilometers west of Vannes, the Château de Suscinio is a magnificent medieval castle. Learn about its history, explore the fortifications, and wander through its lush gardens.
  • Golfe du Morbihan: A short drive from Vannes, Golfe du Morbihan is a stunning bay known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife. Take a boat tour or embark on a hike to fully appreciate the breathtaking landscapes and unique ecosystems.
  • Île d'Arz: This charming island is located in the Gulf of Morbihan and is accessible by boat from Vannes. Enjoy a peaceful stroll along its pristine beaches, explore the quaint village, and savor fresh seafood in one of its waterfront restaurants.
  • Le Chorus Exhibition Center: For those interested in contemporary art and exhibitions, Le Chorus is a modern convention and exhibition center located near the Vannes Marina. Check their schedule for upcoming events and cultural shows. 10. Musée de la Cohue: Situated in the heart of Vannes, Musée de la Cohue is an art museum housed in a former 13th-century town hall. Discover an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from various periods. These attractions offer a mix of history, natural beauty, and cultural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to Vannes and its surroundings.

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