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Contact Details:


Wendy Hicks


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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Experience the charm and beauty of France at our enchanting adult-only bed and breakfast. Nestled amidst breathtaking vineyards, meandering rivers, awe-inspiring gorges, and majestic mountains, our picturesque setting is truly a feast for the senses. Immerse yourself in the authentic ambiance of traditional villages boasting delightful markets.

Indulge in relaxation with a leisurely day spent by the pool or at the tranquil river. For the adventurous, embark on a thrilling hike through the magnificent Gorge d'Heric. If cycling is your passion, explore the renowned Tour de France-worthy roads or take advantage of the nearby 70km greenway. Immerse yourself in history by visiting remarkable ruins and castles, or marvel at the majestic red rocks and renowned wineries.

For those seeking an active getaway, the options are endless. Delight in local hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, cycling, mountain biking, fishing, golfing, or tennis.

During your stay, enjoy the comfort and privacy of your own en-suite bedroom. Additionally, take advantage of full access to our inviting living area, complete with a television and dining room. Our heated pool and garden provide ample opportunity for relaxation in secluded seating and dining areas. Please note that our residence is also our home, enhancing the personal touch we offer. To ensure a tranquil environment, we kindly request that guests be at least 15 years old. Regrettably, we are unable to accommodate pets or infants. Each room accommodates a maximum of two adults.

While individual rooms do not feature televisions, guests are welcome to enjoy the television in the common living room. Additionally, complimentary wifi is available throughout the property, allowing you to stay connected. For those eager to explore the surroundings, we offer bike rentals to facilitate your discovery of the 70km cycling greenway.


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To find Maison des Rêves, you can head to the Haut Languedoc National Parc, situated in a charming hamlet just beyond Prémian village. You have two options for navigation: either access the directions on Google Maps or feel free to reach out to us, and we will gladly provide you with detailed maps.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Maximum 2 adults per room


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Gorges d'Héric: Located just a few kilometers from Coumeilho, the Gorges d'Héric is a stunning natural attraction. It offers breathtaking hiking trails, cascading waterfalls, and crystal-clear pools ideal for swimming. The rugged cliffs and lush greenery make it a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Minerve: Situated about 10 kilometers southwest of Coumeilho, the picturesque village of Minerve is a must-visit. It is known for its charming medieval streets, ancient fortifications, and a stunning natural bridge. Take a stroll through the village, visit the Cathar Museum, and enjoy panoramic views from the Belvedere lookout point.
  • Haut-Languedoc Regional Nature Park: This vast nature park is located just to the north of Coumeilho. It covers over 2,500 square kilometers and offers diverse landscapes, including mountains, lakes, forests, and rivers. Visitors can explore the park through various hiking and biking trails, enjoy picnics by the lakeside, or engage in wildlife spotting.
  • Canal du Midi: About 30 kilometers southeast of Coumeilho, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist attraction. This historic canal connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, and visitors can enjoy boat trips, cycling along the towpaths, or simply strolling along the banks and admiring the beautiful scenery.
  • Carcassonne: Located approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Coumeilho, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. The Cité de Carcassonne, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a well-preserved medieval fortress with impressive ramparts, towers, and narrow streets. Explore the castle, visit the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire, and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere.
  • Abbey of Fontfroide: Situated about 60 kilometers southeast of Coumeilho, the Abbey of Fontfroide is a stunning Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the well-preserved abbey buildings, enjoy the serene gardens, and learn about the fascinating history of the monks who once lived here.
  • Beziers: Located about 40 kilometers southwest of Coumeilho, Beziers is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. Visit the impressive Saint-Nazaire Cathedral, stroll along the charming Allees Paul Riquet, and explore the historic neighborhood of Saint-Jacques. Beziers is also known for its annual Feria festival, featuring bullfighting, music, and traditional festivities. These attractions near Coumeilho offer a mix of natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy.

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