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Les Amandiers -5343 chemin de la Galline
La Garde Freinet


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Price per night:

price from €90





Description for B&B:

The house provides three Allouma accommodations, available for rental as guest rooms or apartments. La Treille, Flamenco, and the Orangerie boast an authentic and elegant decor. Each unit is self-contained, ensuring utmost privacy for our guests.

Description for Gite

If you choose to stay in our guest rooms, you will experience a truly exceptional sequel. On the other hand, if you opt for a cottage rental, you will have access to a fully equipped kitchen that includes all the essentials. Additionally, each unit offers a TV/DVD setup, a barbecue facility, and a private outdoor area for your exclusive use.


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extra bed
Notes: Flamenco don't have a KItchen


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • La Garde-Freinet: This charming medieval village is located just a short distance from Les Amandiers. With its narrow streets, historic buildings, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside, it offers a glimpse into the region's past.
  • Saint-Tropez: Famous for its glamorous lifestyle and beautiful beaches, Saint-Tropez is a must-visit destination. Explore the vibrant harbor, stroll along the promenade, and visit iconic landmarks like the Citadel and the Place des Lices.
  • Port Grimaud: Often referred to as the "Venice of Provence," Port Grimaud is a unique town built on canals. Enjoy a boat tour along the waterways, admire the colorful houses, and relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Gassin: Perched on a hilltop overlooking the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, Gassin is a picturesque Provençal village. Walk through its cobbled streets, visit the ancient church, and take in the panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and coastline.
  • Pampelonne Beach: Located near Saint-Tropez, Pampelonne Beach is a beautiful stretch of coastline known for its crystal-clear waters and vibrant beach clubs. Relax on the sandy shores, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, or indulge in a delicious seafood meal.
  • Ramatuelle: Nestled in the hills above Pampelonne Beach, Ramatuelle is a charming village with a rich history. Explore its medieval streets, visit the Church of Saint-Étienne, and enjoy panoramic views from the village square.
  • Grimaud Castle: Situated in the village of Grimaud, this medieval fortress offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Wander through its ruins, climb the tower for breathtaking views, and learn about the castle's past through informative exhibits.
  • Gorges du Verdon: For nature lovers, the Gorges du Verdon is a must-see attraction. Located about 1.5 hours away from Les Amandiers, this stunning canyon offers hiking trails, kayaking, and breathtaking viewpoints overlooking the turquoise Verdon River.
  • Massif des Maures: This mountain range surrounds Les Amandiers, offering numerous hiking and biking trails through lush forests and scenic landscapes. Immerse yourself in nature, spot wildlife, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this protected area. 10. Sainte-Maxime: Situated on the shores of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, Sainte-Maxime is a charming seaside resort. Relax on its sandy beaches, explore the old town's narrow streets, and visit attractions like the botanical garden and the Musée de la Tour Carrée. Please note that distances and travel times may vary. It is recommended to check the opening hours, accessibility, and any travel restrictions before visiting these attractions.

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