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Gisele Andranian
La Guerrie
Le Merlerault


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- Go north for 28 units.
- Go north for 26 units.



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  • Château de Carrouges: Located in Carrouges, this medieval castle is a must-visit tourist attraction near La Guerrie. It offers guided tours showcasing its rich history, stunning architecture, and beautiful gardens.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon: Situated in Alençon, this museum is dedicated to fine arts and lace-making. It houses a vast collection of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and intricate lace designs.
  • Haras national du Pin: Known as the "Versailles for Horses," this national stud farm in Le Pin-au-Haras is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, horse shows, and exhibitions showcasing the history and significance of horse breeding in France.
  • Jardins du Pays d'Auge: Located in Cambremer, these beautiful gardens offer a peaceful retreat. With various themed gardens, including a rose garden and a Japanese garden, visitors can enjoy stunning floral displays and tranquil surroundings.
  • Château de Sassy: Situated in Saint-Christophe-le-Jajolet, this Renaissance-style castle is known for its well-preserved architecture and picturesque gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior and stroll through the formal French gardens.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts et de la Dentelle d'Alençon: Located in Alençon, this museum is dedicated to fine arts and lace-making. It houses a vast collection of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and intricate lace designs.
  • Château de Domfront: Found in Domfront, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the ruins, climb the tower, and learn about the castle's history through informative displays.
  • Musée de la Dentelle de Bayeux: Situated in Bayeux, this museum showcases the art of lace-making. Visitors can admire intricate lace pieces, view demonstrations, and learn about the history and techniques of lace production.
  • Château de Vendeuvre: Located in Vendeuvre, this elegant castle is known for its beautiful gardens and unique water features. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the antique furniture and art collections, and relax in the extensive gardens. 10. Basilique Notre-Dame de Montligeon: Situated in La Chapelle-Montligeon, this stunning basilica is a place of pilgrimage and spiritual reflection. Visitors can admire the intricate stained glass windows, attend mass, and explore the peaceful grounds.

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