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Contact Details:


Brand Christine
1 route de la vielle
Le Bouillon



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €62


02 33 82 02 35




Description for B&B:

We are pleased to announce that our two guest rooms on the pre donkeys have recently been completed. Here is a description of each room:

1) Sailing linen room: This room is suitable for 1 or 2 people and features a comfortable 140 cm bed. It has a bathroom with a 90 cm shower and a separate toilet. The room is available for 57 per night, including breakfast for 2 people.

2) Bellflower room: Ideal for up to 4 people, this room offers a 140 cm bed and a sofa bed also measuring 140 cm. It has a bathroom with a 90 cm shower and a separate toilet. The room is available for 63 per night, including breakfast for 2 people. Additional guests aged 12-19 can be accommodated for an extra charge per person, which decreases from the 2nd overnight stay.

We look forward to welcoming you to our newly finished guest rooms.


Appréciations pour Mélisâne, Le Bouillon:

Review by: Sabrina e Alessio, Aou 29 2018 1:36PM
La fattoria meravigliosa si trova in un bellissimo parco naturale
La camera è spaziosa, caratteristica ma moderna e pulita così come
il bagno.
Ma la cosa più bella sono i 26 asinelli che ti fanno compagnia e un cagnolone
che si chiama Mia!
Gli unici rumori che si sentono sono qualche raglio e il gallo che canta
Christine prepara un'eccellente colazione e vizia gli ospiti e Philippe
accudisce gli animali e ti insegna come amare gli asini!
Fanno anche ottime creme e sapone con il latte d'asina
L'unica cosa negativa è che le vacanze sono finite troppo presto!
Grazie Christine e Philippe
La magnifique ferme est située dans un magnifique parc naturel
La chambre est spacieuse, pittoresque mais moderne et propre aussi
la salle de bain
Mais la meilleure chose est les 26 ânes qui vous tiennent compagnie et un gros chien
ce qui s'appelle Mia!
Les seuls sons entendus sont du bray et du coq qui chante
Christine prépare un excellent petit déjeuner et gâte les invités et Philippe
prend soin des animaux et vous apprend à aimer les ânes!
Ils font aussi d'excellentes crèmes et du savon avec du lait d'ânesse
Le seul point négatif est que les vacances sont terminées trop tôt!
Merci Christine et Philippe
Review by: Eric & Nathalie, Oct 26 2014 8:55PM
Accueil chaleureux, déco superbe, petit déjeuner extra avec de délicieux produits maison. Nous recommandons vivement ces chambres d'hôtes proposées par Christine et Philippe avec passion.
Review by: Eric & Nathalie, Oct 26 2014 8:55PM
Accueil chaleureux, déco superbe, petit déjeuner extra avec de délicieux produits maison. Nous recommandons vivement ces chambres d'hôtes proposées par Christine et Philippe avec passion.

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From Sées, head towards Carrouges. Once you reach the area called Cabbages, make a left turn towards The Broth and continue following the signs for Mélisâne asss milk.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: country room 2 adults
Notes: country room 2 adults and 2 children


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  • Château de Domfront: Situated in Domfront, about 23 km from Le Bouillon, the Château de Domfront is a well-preserved medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provides insights into the area's medieval past.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: A UNESCO World Heritage site, Mont Saint-Michel is a mesmerizing island commune located about 97 km from Le Bouillon. Known for its abbey and picturesque streets, this iconic attraction attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Bagnoles de l'Orne: A charming spa town situated approximately 18 km from Le Bouillon, Bagnoles de l'Orne is famous for its thermal baths, beautiful floral displays, and Belle Époque architecture. Visitors can enjoy strolling through the town's quaint streets, relaxing in the gardens, or trying their luck at the casino.
  • Haras du Pin: Located in Le Pin-au-Haras, around 43 km from Le Bouillon, Haras du Pin is a national stud farm and equestrian center. It offers guided tours, horse shows, and the opportunity to learn about the breeding and training of French horses.
  • Sées Cathedral: Situated in Sées, approximately 43 km from Le Bouillon, Sées Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic cathedral dating back to the 13th century. Visitors can admire its beautiful stained glass windows, intricate architecture, and peaceful atmosphere.
  • Jublains Roman Village: Located in Jublains, about 45 km from Le Bouillon, this archaeological site showcases the remains of a Gallo-Roman town. Visitors can explore the ruins of a Roman theater, baths, and an ancient fortified settlement, providing insights into the region's Roman history.
  • Alençon: A charming town approximately 56 km from Le Bouillon, Alençon is known for its lace-making heritage and the stunning Basilica of Notre-Dame. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, visit the lace museum, and admire the intricate lacework displayed throughout the city.
  • Beaumont-sur-Sarthe: Situated about 38 km from Le Bouillon, Beaumont-sur-Sarthe is a picturesque village known for its medieval castle and the beautiful Abbey of Perseigne. Visitors can wander through the village's cobblestone streets, visit the castle, and enjoy the peaceful countryside surroundings. 10. Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei: Nestled in a picturesque valley approximately 52 km from Le Bouillon, Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei is a charming village known for its quaint stone houses, art galleries, and scenic river views. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, visit the medieval church, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.