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Enza & Edmond Boisset
lieu dit Le Vernay
Saint Priest La Vêtre


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Price per night:

price from €57






Description for B&B:

Here are the rewritten descriptions:

1. The Anzon Bedroom: This bedroom measures 20 m² and includes a comfortable 140-sized bed. It also has its own en-suite bathroom and a separate toilet.

2. The Vêtre Bedroom: With a spacious area of 34 m², this family bedroom offers two separate bedrooms. The first room has a 140-sized bed, while the second room has two 120-sized beds. It also features an en-suite bathroom and a toilet.

3. The Basse Cour Bedroom: Measuring 20 m², this cozy bedroom is located under the roof and offers a comfortable 140-sized bed. It has its own en-suite bathroom and an independent toilet.

Description for Gite

"Charming and rustic countryside cottage with a touch of character. Stay connected with complimentary WIFI access."


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Take the A72 and exit at Les Salles Noirétable. Head towards the crossroads of N89 and then continue on N89 towards Boën. After approximately 2km, take the first road on the right towards St Jean La Vêtre. Follow D21 towards Le Mas, Bruchet, and the Vernay. After about 1.8km, turn left towards the Vernay. Continue for another 0.5km and the first house in the hamlet will be on your left.

If you are coming from Boën on N89, pass through St Julien La Vêtre and continue towards Noirétable. After 2km from St Julien La Vêtre, take a left towards Noaillat at the Chanet and follow the Vernay. Once you reach the Vernay, take the tarred road on the right and the first house will be on your left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 57 OUI
(3 pers.)
1 73 16 OUI




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