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Jocelyne Bonnet
Mas Perangel
Prunet et Belpuig


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Price per week:

price from €370






Description for Gite

The accommodation comprises of a well-equipped kitchen, a spacious dining room, and three comfortable bedrooms. It also features a bathroom with a bathtub and shower, along with the convenience of two separate toilets. Outside, guests can enjoy a lovely terrace and balcony, as well as a charming garden with a barbecue area. Private parking is available, and there is a shared pool for everyone to enjoy.


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When arriving in Perpignan by car on the motorway, take the Bulu exit. Follow the signs for Ceret (D 115). Upon reaching the entrance of Ceret (before the Devil's Bridge), make a right turn towards Oms (D615). At the neck of Llauro (before reaching the village of Llauro), take a left turn towards Oms (D13). Continue along this road, passing through the village of Oms. After leaving the village of Calmeille behind, keep going until you reach the Col du Fourtou. Here, you can either turn left towards Saint-Marsal and Amelie les Bains or continue straight. Follow the road, passing by the chapel of the Trinity, until you reach Col Xatard. At this point, take the right road towards La Bastide (D13). As you travel down this road, you will come across a farmhouse on your left (known as the callus Tort). After 800 meters, you will see a carriage road on your right, indicated by a sign for Pérangel mas. Continue straight on this road for 2 kilometers, and another sign will indicate when to turn left. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact me.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 370 770


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Castelnou Castle: Located just 10 kilometers away from Mas Perangel, Castelnou Castle is a well-preserved medieval fortress. Explore the narrow streets and admire the traditional Catalan architecture while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Saint-Michel de Cuxa Abbey: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Mas Perangel, this Benedictine abbey dates back to the 9th century. Marvel at the intricate Romanesque architecture and serene atmosphere as you wander through the cloisters and gardens.
  • Perpignan: The vibrant city of Perpignan is around 40 kilometers away and offers a range of attractions. Discover the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, a stunning Gothic palace, or explore the historic old town with its charming streets and squares. Don't miss the vibrant food markets and the iconic Castillet, a former gateway to the city.
  • Collioure: Located around 45 kilometers from Mas Perangel, Collioure is a picturesque coastal town known for its colorful buildings and scenic harbor. Stroll along the waterfront promenade, visit the medieval Château Royal, and relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt: Approximately 50 kilometers from Mas Perangel, Les Orgues d'Ille-sur-Têt is a unique geological formation featuring towering columns of red clay. Take a guided tour to learn about the natural history of the site and witness the impressive rock formations.
  • Gorges de la Fou: Situated about 60 kilometers away, the Gorges de la Fou offers a thrilling adventure through narrow canyons and cascading waterfalls. Follow the well-marked trail and enjoy the stunning views as you hike through this stunning natural landscape.
  • Céret Museum of Modern Art: Located around 40 kilometers from Mas Perangel, the Céret Museum of Modern Art is home to an impressive collection of artworks by renowned artists such as Picasso, Matisse, and Chagall. Explore the diverse range of modern and contemporary art in a charming setting.
  • Fort Lagarde: Situated approximately 25 kilometers away, Fort Lagarde is a well-preserved 18th-century fortress. Take a guided tour to discover the history of the fort, explore the underground passages, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts.
  • Château de Salses: Located around 60 kilometers from Mas Perangel, the Château de Salses is a massive fortress that showcases exceptional military architecture. Explore the labyrinthine interior and learn about the castle's role in defending the region. 10. Les Jardins de Saint-Adrien: Situated approximately 70 kilometers away, Les Jardins de Saint-Adrien is a beautiful Mediterranean garden nestled in an old stone quarry. Admire the variety of plants, water features, and sculptures as you explore this enchanting garden.

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