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Hugues Vernet
8 Rue de La Dent de Crolles


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Price per night:

price from €30





Description for B&B:

I can provide a rewritten version of the description for you:

Welcome to our charming house in Grenoble! Our cozy living space offers a comfortable 20 m² bedroom, equipped with a dressing area, TV, and WiFi connectivity. If you require a PC, we can arrange that too. Additionally, we can provide a private bathroom upon request.

During the months of July and August, we have two extra bedrooms available for children in case of a short stay. Our lovely garden adds to the pleasant atmosphere of our home. Transportation options are conveniently nearby, and there is ample free parking for your car. If you prefer, we also offer bikes for your use.

For your convenience, we can discuss on-site catering options. And, of course, we guarantee a delightful and cheerful experience throughout your stay!


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 30 50 15 5


Animals Allowed


  • Bastille Hill: Located just 2 kilometers from Rue de La Dent de Crolles, Bastille Hill is a famous historical site and offers stunning panoramic views of the city. Visitors can reach the hilltop by a cable car or by hiking uphill.
  • Grenoble Museum: Situated around 4 kilometers away, the Grenoble Museum is renowned for its extensive collection of art and artifacts, ranging from ancient to modern times. It showcases works by famous artists like Picasso, Matisse, and Rodin.
  • Parc Paul Mistral: This urban park, located approximately 3 kilometers from Rue de La Dent de Crolles, is a great place for relaxation and outdoor activities. It features beautiful gardens, a lake, playgrounds, and hosts various events and festivals throughout the year.
  • Saintendre Castle: Situated around 6 kilometers away, Saintendre Castle is a stunning medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, defensive walls, and enjoy the picturesque views.
  • Natural History Museum of Grenoble: Located about 5 kilometers from Rue de La Dent de Crolles, this museum is a favorite among nature enthusiasts. It houses an impressive collection of animal specimens, fossils, and exhibits on the region's biodiversity.
  • Jardin des Dauphins: Situated around 3.5 kilometers away, this charming botanical garden is a peaceful oasis in the heart of Grenoble. It features a wide variety of plants, flowers, and trees, providing a serene environment for a leisurely stroll.
  • Old Town (Vieille Ville): Nestled approximately 6 kilometers from Rue de La Dent de Crolles, the Old Town of Grenoble is a captivating area with narrow streets, charming squares, and historical buildings. It offers a delightful atmosphere for exploring shops, cafes, and local cuisine.
  • Museum of Resistance and Deportation: Located about 3 kilometers away, this museum commemorates the French Resistance during World War II. It displays photographs, artifacts, and personal stories, providing insight into the city's role in the resistance movement.
  • Parc de l'Île d'Amour: Situated around 5 kilometers from Rue de La Dent de Crolles, this park is a tranquil retreat along the Isère River. With its beautiful green spaces, walking trails, and picnic areas, it offers a perfect spot to relax and enjoy nature. 10. Museum of Contemporary Art: Located approximately 4.5 kilometers away, this museum is dedicated to contemporary art and hosts a diverse range of exhibitions. It showcases works by both established and emerging artists, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

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