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Caroline et Edouard Lelieur
36 Avenue de la Cense Hebron



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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

There is one bedroom available with a configuration of one double bed and two single beds. Additionally, there is another room with one double bed and two single beds.

Description for Gite

Our gîtes are situated in a charming old farmhouse that exudes character, dating back to the year 1815. They offer a delightful patio area, a lush grassy space, a convenient BBQ facility, and a set of table and chairs for your enjoyment. Each gîte comprises two tastefully furnished bedrooms, featuring a comfortable double bed and three single beds. Additionally, our expansive garden provides a safe and delightful space for children to engage in play activities.

Inside, you will find a fully equipped kitchen in each gîte, allowing you to prepare meals with ease. A cozy lounge area with a television, a bathroom with a shower, a washing machine, and a separate toilet are also included in each accommodation. Electric heating is provided and is included in the price. The gîtes offer ample space, with each one spanning an impressive 60 m².


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To reach the farm La Cense Hebron, located at the entrance of the village Bois en Ardes, across from the supermarché Champion, follow these travel directions:

From the tunnel: Take the A16 / E40 exit 46 Ardres. At the roundabout, continue on the D943 / RN43 towards St Omer / Ardres. After 8 km, you will reach the Champion supermarché on your left. The gîtes are located directly across from it.

From the port: Take the autoroute until it splits. Follow the signs for Boulogne/mer. After 800 meters, turn right at the roundabout. Continue on the D943 / N43 road towards Ardres. After 8 km, you will reach the Champion supermarché on your left. The gîtes are located directly across from it.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 70 20 oui
(3 pers.)
2 70 20
Holiday Home 4 320 350 non




  • Lac d'Ardres: Located just a short distance from your address, Lac d'Ardres is a picturesque lake surrounded by beautiful scenery. It offers various water activities like boating and fishing, as well as walking trails and picnic spots.
  • Château d'Ardres: This historical castle is situated in the heart of Ardres. Dating back to the 12th century, it showcases medieval architecture and offers guided tours to enlighten visitors about its rich history.
  • La Coupole: Situated in nearby Saint-Omer, La Coupole is a World War II museum and memorial. Built within a former V-2 rocket base, it provides insight into the Nazi occupation and the development of V-2 rockets.
  • Cap Blanc-Nez: Located along the coast of the English Channel, Cap Blanc-Nez is known for its stunning cliffs and panoramic views. It is a popular spot for nature lovers, hikers, and photographers.
  • Musée de l'Hôtel Sandelin: Situated in the town of Saint-Omer, this museum houses an extensive collection of art and historical artifacts. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's heritage and cultural heritage.
  • Blockhaus d'Éperlecques: Another remnant from World War II, the Blockhaus d'Éperlecques is a massive underground bunker built by the Nazis. Today, it serves as a museum providing insights into the V-weapon programs.
  • Saint-Omer Cathedral: This grand Gothic cathedral is a prominent landmark in Saint-Omer. Its stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and serene atmosphere make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Belfry of Calais: Located in the nearby city of Calais, the Belfry is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It offers a panoramic view of the city and houses a museum that highlights the history of Calais.
  • Nausicaá: Situated in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Nausicaá is one of Europe's largest aquariums. It showcases a wide variety of marine life, including sharks, penguins, and sea turtles, and provides educational exhibits on ocean conservation. 10. The Citadel of Arras: Located in the city of Arras, this well-preserved citadel is a remarkable example of military architecture. Visitors can explore its underground tunnels, ramparts, and enjoy panoramic views from the top. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural landscapes to historical sites, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy near your address in Ardres, France.

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