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Muriel Chaume
15 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Welcome to "Logis Blanc", a charming town house from 1895 situated in the vibrant heart of a village near Narbonne and the beautiful beaches. Immerse yourself in a romantic setting as you step into our spacious and tastefully decorated guest rooms, designed to provide utmost comfort and style. With the added luxury of air-conditioning, your stay at "Logis Blanc" promises to be an unforgettable experience.


Appréciations pour Le Logis Blanc, Coursan:

un séjour parfait
Review by: Albac, Aou 29 2019 8:20AM
accueil fantastique, petit dej extra dans un cadre super, déco magique, tout est parfait
un havre de paix et de bien être
Review by: EleonoreRORING, Sep 11 2015 10:08AM
Accueil chaleureux, petit déjeuner avec de savoureuses confitures et une maison de rêve! Ce fut également un plaisir de découvrir tous les détails raffinés crées par la maîtresse de la maison. Je recommande Le Logis Blanc très chaleureusement! Eléonore et Yann(Gard)

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 65 15 oui
(3 pers.)
1 75 80 oui




  • Canal du Midi - Located just a short distance from 15 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is a picturesque canal that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea, offering scenic walking paths and the opportunity to take a boat ride.
  • Narbonne - Situated approximately 10 kilometers away, Narbonne is a historic city with numerous attractions. Visit the stunning Narbonne Cathedral, explore the archaeological museum, and stroll through the vibrant Les Halles market to experience the local culture.
  • Abbaye de Fontfroide - This beautiful Cistercian abbey is about 20 kilometers away from Coursan. It is surrounded by serene gardens and vineyards, providing a peaceful atmosphere for visitors to explore the medieval architecture and learn about the abbey's rich history.
  • Gruissan - Located along the Mediterranean coast, Gruissan is a charming seaside town approximately 25 kilometers from Coursan. It is known for its picturesque marina, sandy beaches, and the iconic Gruissan Castle offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Béziers - Situated around 30 kilometers away, Béziers is a historic city with a fascinating past. Explore the impressive Béziers Cathedral, wander through the old town's narrow streets, and enjoy the scenic views from the Pont Vieux, a medieval bridge crossing the River Orb.
  • Sigean African Reserve - About 40 kilometers from Coursan, the Sigean African Reserve is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. This vast nature reserve is home to over 3,800 animals including lions, giraffes, rhinos, and various bird species, providing a unique safari-like experience.
  • Carcassonne - Located approximately 50 kilometers away, Carcassonne is renowned for its medieval fortress, La Cité. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers a stunning example of a fortified town, with its impressive city walls, historic buildings, and charming cobblestone streets.
  • Minerve - Situated around 60 kilometers from Coursan, Minerve is a picturesque village nestled in a gorge. Known for its natural beauty and historical significance, it is recognized as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." Explore the ancient Cathar fortifications and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken.

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