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Pouyfaucon Dominique
330 chemin des Argelas
Lançon Provence


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Price per night:

price from €56





Description for Gite

Dominique and Jean-Pierre extend a warm welcome to you for a delightful stay at our charming countryside vacation cottage or guesthouse. Our abode has been approved with a 3-star rating and 2 clévacances, assuring you of top-notch quality. Nestled in a tranquil environment with breathtaking panoramic views, this Provencal styled accommodation offers utmost comfort and is fully equipped to meet your needs. Immerse yourself in the multitude of tourism opportunities available in the vicinity, and we provide on-site documentation to assist you further. Additionally, you have the option to indulge in our delectable table d'hôte.


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To reach the village of Lançon from Inetmarché (P & lissanne road), follow the directions to the streets of k'abbé Dureau and then continue along the path of Argelas.



Swimming Pool


  • Notre-Dame de la Garde (Marseille): Located in Marseille, Notre-Dame de la Garde is a stunning basilica that offers panoramic views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a popular tourist attraction known for its beautiful architecture and religious significance.
  • Calanques National Park (Cassis): Situated near Marseille, Calanques National Park is a breathtaking natural wonder. It features limestone cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and secluded beaches, making it a perfect spot for hiking, swimming, and enjoying scenic boat tours.
  • Aix-en-Provence Old Town: Aix-en-Provence's Old Town is a charming area known for its historic architecture, picturesque squares, and lively atmosphere. Visitors can explore the narrow streets lined with boutique shops, dine at outdoor cafes, and admire the fountains that give the town its nickname, "City of a Thousand Fountains."
  • Le Parc Ornithologique de Pont de Gau (Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer): Located in the Camargue region, this bird sanctuary is a paradise for nature lovers and birdwatchers. It is home to a wide variety of bird species, including flamingos, herons, and egrets. Visitors can observe the birds in their natural habitat and learn about the unique ecosystem of the Camargue.
  • Château d'If (Marseille): Situated on the small island of If, the Château d'If is a famous fortress that gained popularity through Alexandre Dumas' novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo." Visitors can explore the historic prison, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy stunning views of Marseille's coastline.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence: Nestled in the Alpilles mountains, Les Baux-de-Provence is a medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and rich history. Visitors can wander through the cobblestone streets, visit the impressive Château des Baux, and explore the charming boutiques and art galleries.
  • Musée Granet (Aix-en-Provence): The Musée Granet is a renowned art museum in Aix-en-Provence. It houses an extensive collection of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, and archaeological artifacts. Visitors can admire works by renowned artists such as Cézanne, Picasso, and Van Gogh.
  • Marseille Old Port: The Vieux Port is the heart of Marseille and has been a bustling hub for centuries. Here, visitors can stroll along the waterfront, watch fishermen unload their catch, and indulge in fresh seafood at one of the many restaurants. The port also offers boat tours to explore the nearby islands and coastal areas.
  • Château de la Barben (La Barben): This picturesque castle is located near Salon-de-Provence and dates back to the 11th century. Visitors can explore the medieval fortress, admire the well-preserved architecture and furnishings, and enjoy the beautiful gardens surrounding the castle. 10. Marseille Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MuCEM): Situated on the waterfront, the MuCEM is a modern museum dedicated to the history and cultures of the Mediterranean region. It showcases a vast collection of art, artifacts, and exhibitions that provide insights into the diverse civilizations that have shaped the Mediterranean's identity.

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