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Rue des Remparts


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Description for Gite

This exceptional house offers an unforgettable experience with its swimming pool, garden, and breathtaking panoramic view of the Luberon Valley. Perfect for a party of 5, this charming village house is nestled on the remparts of Bonnieux, providing a picturesque setting and a true taste of Provence-Luberon.

With 80 square meters of living space, this accommodation boasts a private swimming pool measuring 5x3 meters with a depth of 1.80 meters. The accompanying garden offers a stunning vista of the Luberon Valley and is furnished with chairs, a parasol, a table, a barbecue, and three sun chairs for your ultimate relaxation. The interior is tastefully decorated with a charming Provençal touch.

This house is divided into two separate buildings. The main house features a bedroom with a queen size bed, a living/dining room equipped with a TV, HiFi, and CD/K7 players, and a fully-equipped kitchen complete with an electric stove, oven, microwave, fridge, freezer, dishwasher, and washing machine. Additionally, there is a shower room with toilets.

The second building consists of a bedroom with a queen size bed and a single bed, as well as a separate shower room with toilets.

Indulge in the beauty of this unique property and make lasting memories during your stay in the heart of Provence-Luberon.


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Holiday Home 5 590 1590


Swimming Pool


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  • Lacoste Village: Situated on a hilltop overlooking Bonnieux, Lacoste is a charming village known for its narrow streets, medieval architecture, and the ruins of the Marquis de Sade's castle. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside and is a great place to wander and soak in the atmosphere.
  • Pont Julien: This ancient Roman bridge is located near Bonnieux and spans the Calavon River. Built in the 1st century BC, it is remarkably well-preserved and offers a glimpse into the engineering prowess of the Romans. Visitors can walk across the bridge and admire the beautiful surroundings.
  • Ochre Trail of Roussillon: Just a short drive from Bonnieux, the village of Roussillon is famous for its unique ochre cliffs and trails. Visitors can explore the vibrant red and orange landscapes, hike along the marked trails, and visit the Ochre Conservatory to learn about the history and extraction of ochre.
  • Château de Lacoste: Located in the village of Lacoste, this medieval castle was once the home of the infamous Marquis de Sade. Although in ruins, the castle offers panoramic views of the Luberon Valley and hosts cultural events and exhibitions during the summer months.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire: Situated near Bonnieux, this 13th-century abbey is known for its serene setting and beautiful architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's Gothic-style church, stroll through the picturesque gardens, and learn about the abbey's religious and historical significance.
  • Village des Bories: Located a short distance from Bonnieux, this unique open-air museum showcases traditional stone huts known as "bories." These dry-stone structures were used by shepherds and farmers in the past and offer a glimpse into the region's rural heritage.
  • Colorado Provençal: Located in Rustrel, a short drive from Bonnieux, this natural site resembles the landscapes of the American Southwest with its colorful cliffs, canyons, and hoodoos. Visitors can explore the various hiking trails, admire the striking geological formations, and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Château de Lourmarin: Situated in the village of Lourmarin, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the past. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, stroll through the gardens, and enjoy the charming village atmosphere. 10. Village of Gordes: Located near Bonnieux, Gordes is considered one of the most beautiful villages in France. Perched on a hilltop, it boasts picturesque stone houses, narrow cobblestone streets, and panoramic views of the Luberon Valley. Visitors can explore the village's charming shops, art galleries, and enjoy the stunning vistas.

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