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4 Rue des Prés


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price from €85






Description for B&B:

Situated in the vibrant village of Lespignan in Languedoc, Les cabanes de Fleury embodies a serene and rustic ambiance, while being conveniently close to the beautiful Les cabanes de Fleury beach. Its strategic location allows for easy exploration of the picturesque Aude LOrb and LHérault valleys. The Gekko, a charming establishment, eagerly awaits your arrival in its delightful surroundings. Each room is uniquely adorned and offers a private bathroom with a refreshing shower and toilet. The beddings are exceptionally comfortable, ensuring a restful night's sleep. Indulge in homemade jams, breads, and cakes for breakfast, all lovingly prepared on-site. For those seeking a delectable dining experience, Jean, a former head chef, skillfully crafts dishes using locally sourced ingredients, including fresh produce and garden-grown fruits and vegetables.


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Once you reach the Béziers est exit (autoroute A9), head towards Vendres. Drive through the village and keep going until you reach Lespignan. In Lespignan, go across towards Fleury and take a right turn just before reaching the end of the village on rue des prés. After 100 meters, you will have arrived at your destination on the right.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 85 85 415 574 OUI


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  • Château de Lespignan: Located in the heart of Lespignan, this medieval castle is a must-visit tourist attraction. Explore the picturesque ruins, learn about the fascinating history, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Canal du Midi: Just a short distance from Lespignan, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take a leisurely stroll along the canal's tree-lined banks, rent a boat or bike, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Be sure to admire the impressive engineering of this 17th-century waterway.
  • Capestang: Situated about 6 km from Lespignan, Capestang is a charming village known for its historic architecture and beautiful surroundings. Visit the St. Etienne Church, explore the narrow streets lined with traditional houses, and enjoy a relaxing picnic by the Canal du Midi.
  • Béziers: Located approximately 12 km away, Béziers is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. Discover the stunning Béziers Cathedral, stroll through the picturesque old town, and visit the Plateau des Poètes, a beautiful park with sculptures and fountains.
  • Abbaye de Fontcaude: Situated in Cazedarnes, about 18 km from Lespignan, the Abbaye de Fontcaude is a former Cistercian abbey surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. Explore the magnificent architecture, wander through the peaceful gardens, and enjoy wine tasting at the nearby vineyards.
  • Narbonne: Located approximately 25 km away, Narbonne is a historic city with Roman origins. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, explore the ancient Roman Horreum, and stroll through the charming streets of the city center. Don't miss the vibrant Les Halles market, where you can sample local delicacies.
  • Gruissan: Situated about 30 km from Lespignan, Gruissan is a picturesque coastal town known for its sandy beaches and medieval charm. Explore the old village with its narrow streets and ancient castle ruins, relax on the beautiful beaches, and try some fresh seafood in one of the waterfront restaurants.
  • Carcassonne: Located approximately 75 km away, Carcassonne is a fortified medieval city that seems straight out of a fairytale. Explore the impressive Carcassonne Castle, walk along the ancient city walls, and immerse yourself in the rich history of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites to enjoying natural beauty and experiencing the local culture, ensuring a memorable visit to the Lespignan area in France.

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