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Marie Merle
Rue Du Port


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Price per week:

price from €450






Description for B&B:

This apartment-house offers a secluded enclosed garden, facing south and bathed in sunlight. The garden is equipped with comfortable furniture, a barbecue, and a deckchair. The interior of the house consists of a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and a separate WC. The two bedrooms include a king-size bed and single beds, and a cot and baby chair can be provided upon request. The property is conveniently located only 100m from the center and the marina, where all necessary shops, restaurants, creperies, and bars can be found. The beautiful beaches are also within easy reach. Nearby attractions worth visiting include the Sillon de Talbert, the island of Bréhat, Paimpol with its impressive cliffs, Perros-Guirec with its stunning pink granite coast, and the GR34 trail for hiking enthusiasts. Furthermore, guests will appreciate the convenience of being able to explore all these attractions on foot from the gîte.

Description for Gite

This apartment-house offers a secluded enclosed garden, providing complete privacy and facing south for maximum sunlight. The garden is equipped with comfortable furniture, a barbecue, and deckchairs for relaxation.

The interior of the house includes a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, and a separate WC. There are two bedrooms, one with a king-size bed and the other with single beds. A cot and baby chair can be provided upon request.

Conveniently located just 100m from the center and the marina, all necessary shops, restaurants, creperies, and bars are within easy reach. The beautiful beaches are also not far away, offering a perfect opportunity for leisurely walks or sunbathing.

There are several notable attractions to explore nearby, such as the Sillon de Talbert, the island of Bréhat, Paimpol with its impressive cliffs, and Perros-Guirec with its stunning pink granite coast. The GR34 hiking trail is easily accessible, allowing you to embark on scenic hikes directly from the gîte.

Private and free parking facilities are available for your convenience.


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To reach Lézardrieux by road, continue along the designated route. If you prefer to travel by train, the SNCF station is conveniently located in Paimpol, just a short 5-minute car ride away. Alternatively, if you opt for air travel, the nearest airports are situated in St Brieuc or Lannion, both of which can be reached within a 30-minute car journey.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: the price varies according to the season from 450E to 700E for 4 people


Animals Allowed


  • Château de La Roche-Jagu: Located about 4 km from Rue Du Port, Château de La Roche-Jagu is a stunning medieval castle set on a rocky promontory overlooking the Trieux River. Visitors can explore the castle's beautiful gardens, enjoy panoramic views, and learn about its history through exhibitions and guided tours.
  • Île-de-Bréhat: Situated around 8 km from Lézardrieux, Île-de-Bréhat is a picturesque archipelago known for its remarkable natural beauty. Visitors can explore the car-free main island, wander through charming villages, admire colorful gardens, and relax on scenic beaches. Boat trips are available from Lézardrieux to reach this enchanting destination.
  • Tréguier: Located approximately 10 km from Lézardrieux, Tréguier is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. Highlights include the Saint-Tugdual Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, and the charming old town with its half-timbered houses and cobblestone streets. Visitors can also explore art galleries, enjoy local cuisine, and stroll along the riverbank.
  • Sillon de Talbert: Situated about 17 km from Rue Du Port, Sillon de Talbert is a unique natural sandbank stretching into the English Channel. This narrow strip of land offers stunning views of the sea, dunes, and marshes. Visitors can take leisurely walks along the beach, observe wildlife, and explore the protected nature reserve.
  • Paimpol: Located around 20 km from Lézardrieux, Paimpol is a charming coastal town known for its maritime history and scenic beauty. Visitors can wander through the picturesque harbor, visit the Musée de la Mer (Maritime Museum), and explore narrow streets lined with traditional granite houses. Paimpol is also famous for its annual maritime festival, attracting sailing enthusiasts from around the world.
  • Beauport Abbey: Situated approximately 25 km from Rue Du Port, Beauport Abbey is a well-preserved Cistercian abbey surrounded by beautiful gardens and located near Paimpol. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the abbey's history, enjoy peaceful walks in the gardens, and admire the stunning architecture and ruins.
  • Ploumanac'h: Located about 40 km from Lézardrieux, Ploumanac'h is a coastal village renowned for its breathtaking pink granite rock formations. Visitors can explore the stunning coastal path, known as the Sentier des Douaniers, which offers panoramic views of the rugged coastline and unique rock formations like the famous "Champignon" (mushroom-shaped rock). These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural wonders, allowing visitors to discover the diverse beauty of the region surrounding Rue Du Port in Lézardrieux, France.

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