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Thea Hemery
Hameau Saint Jean
Saint Saturnin Les Apt


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Price per night:

price from €579






Description for B&B:

This small country house offers four generously sized bedrooms. Its location provides a picturesque side view of the central courtyard, adorned with a charming fountain, as well as the beautiful mountains and vineyards on the other side. The house features a terrace and barbecue area, perfect for outdoor gatherings. Guests also have convenient access to the fully equipped kitchen. Additionally, there is a separate independent barn available for rent, which includes a comfortable bed and breakfast service.


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  • Colorado Provencal: Located just 4 kilometers away from Hameau Saint Jean, Colorado Provencal is a natural wonder known for its unique ochre rock formations. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails that wind through the vibrant red and orange cliffs, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Village des Bories: Situated approximately 6 kilometers from Hameau Saint Jean, the Village des Bories is an open-air museum showcasing traditional dry-stone huts called "bories." These ancient structures, dating back to the 18th century, provide insight into the rural life and architecture of Provence.
  • Château de Lacoste: About 7 kilometers from Hameau Saint Jean, Château de Lacoste is a historic castle perched on a hilltop. Once owned by the infamous Marquis de Sade, the castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its rich history and stunning architecture.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire: Located around 9 kilometers away, the Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire is a beautifully preserved abbey dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive Gothic architecture, tranquil gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Gordes: Situated approximately 14 kilometers from Hameau Saint Jean, Gordes is a charming hilltop village known for its picturesque stone houses and narrow cobblestone streets. Visitors can wander through its winding alleys, visit the village's castle, and enjoy panoramic views of the Luberon Valley.
  • Roussillon: Roughly 16 kilometers away, Roussillon is a stunning village renowned for its vibrant red cliffs and ochre-colored buildings. Visitors can explore the village's art galleries, shops selling local crafts, and enjoy scenic walks along the Sentier des Ocres, a trail that leads through the colorful landscapes of Roussillon.
  • L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue: Situated around 27 kilometers from Hameau Saint Jean, L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue is a charming town famous for its canals and antique markets. Visitors can stroll along the waterways, browse through numerous antique shops, and enjoy the town's vibrant atmosphere.
  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 60 kilometers away, Pont du Gard is a remarkable ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. A UNESCO World Heritage site, visitors can marvel at the impressive architecture, explore the surrounding parkland, and even take a refreshing swim in the river. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from natural wonders to historical sites, allowing visitors to explore the rich cultural and scenic beauty of the region near Hameau Saint Jean.

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